Database restore problem?

  • Hello All,

    I am getting problem in restore database,

    when i was restoring database,i got message "there is not enough space for logs"

    and i clicked ok, and since then database  is showing offgrey and (loading) message on it.

    when i try to right click on it , it doesn't allow me to do anything and give message

    "restore is in the middle of process"

    Please suggest me what should i do.

    even i can't even drop that database .

    I'm in big problem. i'm waiting to see normal database for 3 hr.

    please help me. 

    Thanks in advance.

  • The database will show a still loading in EM beacuse the SQL Server was unable to complete the restore operation due to the alck of space.

    If first ensure that you have enough space on the server in question and then just restore the database again it will be fine as long as you have enough space this time.



  • Before i started restore i had 9 Gb space, including the existing database the one i want to still i have 9 Gb free space,first i want delete the loading database to free some can i drop that database.please advise me.


  • sp_resetstatus database_name

    this should reset the status of the database and allow you to delete it



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