Database not found error....

  • Hi,

    I have a maintenenace job with multiple steps (optimization,integrity and update stats)that runs every weekend, but this weekend something weird happened, the Integrity step in the maintenance job failed with the following error -

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO] Error 21776: [SQL-DMO]The name 'xyz' was not found in the Databases collection.  If the name is a qualified name, use [] to separate various parts of the name, and try again.

    Does anyone have idea as to why it would fail with such an error, the database is very much there.

    Thanks & regards!

  • see the Reports log under LOG folder if it is configured to do so. that will give you some more information or post message from Report logs. thx


  • Thanks for your response, the error message I posted was from the the LOG folder.

    Thanks & regards!!

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