database mirroring with stndard edition

  • Hi, we are beginning to phase in SQL 2005 and I am considering the pros and cons of database mirroring and log shipping. In SQL 2000 we are BIG users of log shipping.

    We will be using 2005 standard edition and know that automatic, fast failover is not really a necessity for us. One thing that has stopped me in my tracks is from my investigations it appears with standard edition you cannot run in asynchronous mode (safety off), which would be a performance hit.

    Can anyone confirm or refute this? does not seem logical to me.





  • Hi George,

                Yes you are right.In SQL 2005 Standard edition it does not support Asynchronous mode i.e  a high performance mode.Also Failover is automatic only in High Availability mode since witness is amust there.........




    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • Hello George,

    Log Shipping and Mirroring are complementary approaches to data availability and integrity.  We are very happy with the performance of mirroring, but we continue to use log shipping for the following reasons:

    1.  Mirroring instantly copies user errors, whereas log shipping gives us a "clean" backup copy.

    2.  Log shipping allows us to store multiple backup copies so that we have backups available on local and remote servers.

    Mirroring has been very effective when connection to the Production server goes down.  Our applications have been able to switch over to the Mirror server and re-establish connection with the "new" primary databases without any problems.


  • thanks guys, good to have that confirmed.






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