Database Mirroring with RAW partitions

  • I've successfulyl configured database mirroring on SQL 2005 using NTFS partitions and standard mdf/ndf/ldf files. When I try to configure mirroring between two databases using RAW partitions the mirrored pair gets created in a SUSPENDED state. The SQL error log displays the following message:

    CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 32(The proces cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)...then it references the RAW file I'm trying to use. The data files (also RAW) are not referenced in the error message; only the log file.

    "Resuming" the mirror has no effect. Has anyone had any success setting this up in this configuration?

  • Why are you using RAW partitions?

    Although they may still be supported, they have been obsolete since at least SQL Server 6.0.

  • Thanks for the reply. We use them for the slight performance benefit they offer over NTFS. Every little bit helps.

  • I would suggest you contact Microsoft for help to see if that is even supported.

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