Database Mirroring - Issue - Stuck Synchronizing/Disconnected

  • Upgrading an old SQL Server 2008 to 2017 and was using Database Mirroring to transition over the  databases (endpoints using Windows Authentication). Both instances are running the SQL Server services as the same domain user (sysadmin role / mapped to master). But for some reason my database mirroring keeps going between the "Synchronizing" and "Disconnected" states. I've attempted to recreate the endpoints, restart the mirroring, grab new full/log backs to startover, but each time I have the same result.

    I'm able to get database mirroring working from the SQL Server 2008 instance to a 2012 instance, but cannot get the 2012 to 2017 database mirroring working either when I tried a test database.

    • 2008  -->  2012 synchronized
    • 2008  -->  2017  synchronizing/disconnected
    • 2012  -->  2017  synchronizing/disconnected

    When I look at the Event Log I see timeouts after the default 10 seconds, but increasing this number doesn't appear to help.  I've also verified that the port(s) for the endpoint are opened in the windows firewall.  What are items could I check to help diagnose the issue?



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Are both sides running the same edition (i.e. Standard/Enterprise/etc.)? If not, they do need to be.

  • Correct - All three instances are running Standard.

  • Note - Have recreated endpoints and attempted a different port (5022) without success. Added port to inbound/outbound firewall rules as well.

  • I ended up switching over to log shipping, but may have located the culprit.  It appears that one of the cumulative updates (CU3) may address this particular issue.

    I hope to test/confirm this week after applying the latest CU to the server. Hopefully, this helps others that encounter this in the future.

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