Database Mirroring Errors (SQL 2005)

  • Hello Gurus

    Is there anyway i can figure out why the mirroring is failing? The mirroring fails only for certain databases.

    Is there a place where the mirroring error logs are stored?


    I have checked SQL Server error logs, NT logs

    Could not able to find anything alarming.


  • should be in the history of the copy or restore job

    Is it possible the database are not in fulll recovery mode

  • What is your specific error? Is it a setup related issue, or are you having problems keeping the databases syncronized ? Need more info, please.

  • I dont think its setup issue bcos other database mirroring are working fine. Only specific databases mirroring goes to suspended mode.

    I need to find what caused the mirroring to break(suspended mode). To check the specific error i need to know where to get the information.

    Is there any "SQL Mirroring error logs" etc? if so where to find that log file or information.

  • There are several ways to monitor mirroring.

    1. Use Database mirroring monitor (right click on the database > launch database mirroring monitor)

    2. Look at the Windows perfmon counters. If you running a named instance: MSSQL$Instancename: Database Mirroring or, if you are on a default instance, SQLServer:Database Mirroring

    3. EXEC [msdb].[sys].[sp_dbmmonitorresults] @database_name = 'yourdbname', @mode = 1 --last 2 hours

    (the mirroring GUI tool calls this under the covers)

    Look at the SQL error logs on BOTH servers for messages related to mirroring.

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