Database Mirroring and a NT AUTHORITY account for Database Engine

  • Hi All

    I have just finished configuring my first test mirrored environment (High safety mode). I setup the database engine service accounts on each of the servers with domain\user.

    I inherited a production mirrored environment set up by someone else. On the production servers the database engine service account is NT Authority\user a local account. I am trying to practice

    installing Windows updates within a mirrored environment and I not sure how to proceed when the service account is NT Authority\user account. Any insight--should I change the service account to a domain\user? --and if so how would I approach this?



  • plamannkathy (12/2/2014)

    Hi All

    I have just finished configuring my first test mirrored environment (High safety mode). I setup the database engine service accounts on each of the servers with domain\user.

    I inherited a production mirrored environment set up by someone else. On the production servers the database engine service account is NT Authority\user a local account. I am trying to practice

    installing Windows updates within a mirrored environment and I not sure how to proceed when the service account is NT Authority\user account. Any insight--should I change the service account to a domain\user? --and if so how would I approach this?



    Does the production system have mirror sessions running too?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Yes the production servers have mirrored sessions also. The production servers were set up before the test servers. There was no testing. Now as the DBA, I would like to apply Windows Updates to the servers so I thought I should create a test mirrored environment to practice. I set up the test environment with the database engine having the domain/user and the production environment was setup with the database engine using the NT AUTHORITY\user account. Should I be concerned that my production mirrored environment uses this account or will doing a rolling update process work the same in both environments?



    **The Production servers are for Lync and Lync is actively managing that mirror opposed to standard mirror configuration--I just found this out from the consultant who installed this--

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