Database Mirroring Across Non-Trusted Domains

  • I have a principal server (A) that is not part of a domain and a mirror server (B) that is part of a domain. A VPN provides communications between these two servers. Both servers have two instances of SQL Server installed on them. I am trying to configure the server network addresses for mirroring so that a database on server A on instance 1 (port 1450) is mirrored to server B on insrtance 1 (port 1439). The problem I am running into is on server A there is no primary domain suffix configured; therefore, I cannot specify a full qualified domain name (FQDN) in server network addresses. Also, since I am working on a server with multiple server instances, will I need to configure these servers in the hosts file with their unique ports? From all the reading I have done I beleive I need to use certificates; however, I still need to provide a FQDN and would like to know if anyone else has experienced this issue and what, if any, my options I have. Thanks in advance.

  • The FQDN is only validated by the GUI, so you can use an IP address if you stick to TSQL to set the partners. You can use the hosts file if you prefer to deal with domain names - I think it's probably easier to maintain if you do.

  • Thanks Matt. I'll try this.

  • I've used the ip address (In plasce of the FQDN) in the gui and it worked just fine. might want to give that a try....

    Tim White

  • Thanks Tim. I tried IP address as well (TCP://\Prod:1103) and I did not get an error message; however, the mirroring did not occur. I am going to scrap wht I have done so fr and start over. Is the address about correct when using a server with multiple instances?

  • the syntax I used was TCP://ipaddress:port

    so, for example... TCP://

    Tim White

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