Database migration between hosts

  • One of our clients wishes to move their database from our servers to their own hosting solution.

    Is it possible via Management Studio 2005 to use the database copy wizard to manage the migration or does that only work for servers on the same network?

    If it is not possible could anyone advise me as to the easiest/most foolproof method of handling this transfer.

    I'm effectively a SQL/Management studio novice.


  • The best method is to make a full backup of your database. Use SQL Server compression if you have 2008. Send the file to a fileshare on the hosted network and restore the database from the backup file on the hosted SQL Server.



  • script all logins

    stop the sql server

    copy all database files to the new location

    attach all new databases in the new location

    run 'login script' to restore them

  • Good catch about the logins. Here is a script for the logins and the server level permissions:

    Declare @login sysname

    ,@Password_Hash Varbinary(200)

    ,@Grant sysname

    ,@Permission sysname

    ,@Role sysname

    Declare Logins cursor static for

    /*select Name

    from sys.Server_Principals

    where type_desc in ('Windows_Login','Windows_Group')

    and Name not in ('BUILTIN\Administrators','NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM','DATACORE_KC\SQLClusterSvcsAccess'


    and name not like '%$mssqlserver%'

    and name not like 'NT AUTHORITY%'*/

    SELECT SUSER_SNAME(sid) account

    FROM [YourDatabaseName].sys.database_principals -----------------<-------------change this


    Open Logins

    While 0=0


    Fetch Next

    From Logins

    into @login

    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print 'If Not Exists(Select * from sys.Server_Principals Where Name = '''+ @login + ''')'

    Print 'Create Login [' + @login + '] From Windows'

    Declare Server_Permissions cursor static for

    Select spe.state_desc, permission_name

    From sys.Server_principals spr

    join sys.Server_permissions spe

    on spr.principal_id = spe.Grantee_principal_id

    Where spr.Name = @login

    Open Server_Permissions

    While 0=0


    Fetch Next

    From Server_Permissions

    into @Grant ,@Permission

    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print @Grant + ' ' + @Permission + ' to [' + @login + ']'


    Close Server_Permissions

    Deallocate Server_Permissions

    Declare Roles cursor Static For

    Select roles.Name

    From Sys.Server_Principals sp

    join sys.server_role_members srm

    on sp.Principal_ID = srm.Member_Principal_ID

    join sys.Server_Principals roles

    on srm.role_principal_id = roles.Principal_ID

    Where sp.Name = @login

    Open Roles

    While 0=0


    Fetch Next

    From Roles

    into @Role

    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + @login + ''',''' + @Role + ''''


    Close Roles

    Deallocate Roles


    Close Logins

    Deallocate Logins

    Declare SQLLogins Cursor Static For

    Select Name,Password_Hash

    From sys.SQL_Logins

    Where Name <> 'sa'

    Open SQLLogins

    While 0 = 0


    Fetch Next

    From SQLLogins

    into @login


    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print 'If Not Exists(Select * from sys.SQL_Logins Where Name = ''' + @login + ''')'

    Print 'Create Login [' + @login + '] with password = '

    Print @Password_Hash

    Print 'Hashed'

    Declare Server_Permissions cursor static for

    Select spe.state_desc, permission_name

    From sys.Server_principals spr

    join sys.Server_permissions spe

    on spr.principal_id = spe.Grantee_principal_id

    Where spr.Name = @login

    Open Server_Permissions

    While 0=0


    Fetch Next

    From Server_Permissions

    into @Grant ,@Permission

    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print @Grant + ' ' + @Permission + ' to [' + @login + ']'


    Close Server_Permissions

    Deallocate Server_Permissions

    Declare Roles cursor Static For

    Select roles.Name

    From Sys.Server_Principals sp

    join sys.server_role_members srm

    on sp.Principal_ID = srm.Member_Principal_ID

    join sys.Server_Principals roles

    on srm.role_principal_id = roles.Principal_ID

    Where sp.Name = @login

    Open Roles

    While 0=0


    Fetch Next

    From Roles

    into @Role

    If @@Fetch_Status <> 0


    Print 'Exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + @login + ''',''' + @Role + ''''


    Close Roles

    Deallocate Roles


    Close SQLLogins

    Deallocate SQLLogins

  • you can also use this great microsoft article and scripts for login transfer:

    how many databases are there to transfer?

  • Thanks for all the replies and help.

    This is obviously going to more hassle than I thought 🙂

    It's only 1 database - but it has over 60 tables (don't ask, I'm just the monkey) and is massive.

    I'm sure that much hair pulling and blue language will ensue.

  • Ok,

    Thanks for the help offered todate but this looks like it's going to be more difficult than I thought.

    I have backed up and restored the database onto the new server. However, I am unable to get any of the scripts offered above or from the MS site running.

    This is because (I believe) the original server from which we we are migrating is running:

    Windows Server 2003 + Management Console 2.0

    SQL Enterprise Manager V8

    If anyone has any idea how I can transfer the logins/authorisations/permissions etc from this old beast to the SQL Server 2005 of the new hosts I will be hugely appreciative as I really have absolutely no idea.

    Thanks again.

  • install sql entrpz mngr V9

    run sql 2005 install cd, and choose tools only

    can be done on your workstation

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