Database Maintenance

  • Hi All,

    I am maintaining a database for a Telecommunication application. This has a very high level of transactions.

    Please suggest me what regular actions should I take to keep a database healthy.

    Thanks in advance.



  • Dinendra Nath Dolai (11/18/2008)

    Hi All,

    I am maintaining a database for a Telecommunication application. This has a very high level of transactions.

    Please suggest me what regular actions should I take to keep a database healthy.

    Thanks in advance.



    this time only do one thing. take dB backup on the frequent basis.

    and do any maintenance sort of when you feels that there is problem accordingly

    kshitij kumar

  • I would have a very good disaster recover plan in place, check for index defragmentation on a regular basics 🙂

  • Perhaps you could explain the environment a bit more & what you are currently doing, then others can make more specific suggestions.

  • As someone just mentioned, have a solid DR plan, have frequent transaction log backups running like every 15 minutes or even more frequent depending on the need.

    Also make sure you rebuild the Indexes of the OLTP tables daily depending on the business hours. Should generally be performed off-hours.

    Check the integrity of the database on a regular basis, be sure to select the right option while using this task.

    Check for the transaction log size and make sure the Server has enough space to accomodate the growh.

    Make sure that the Transaction log and Data files are on different physical disks to achieve optimum database performance. Also make sure the NCL Indexes and the Data are laid out on different filegroups that map to different disks. This is more of how would have defined your database at the time when the database was created.


    SQL Server DBA | Deluxe Digital Studios

    Amol Naik

  • As you say if you have high level of transactions taking LOG back up frequently is minimal and monitoring the size of log file is a must.

    I would create a maintenance job to run every day morning before office hours to check the consistency of the DB and the underlying objects.

    Checking fragmentation levels on day to day basis.

    It actually depends on what type of transactions are executed against the database and create corresponding indexes and so forth.....

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