Database Mail Notification

  • Hello ,

    Can you suggest me how to Receive a mail notification, not as soon as job completes but at a particular time after the job completion. In the job setup window, I just have an option in notifications as ' when job succeeds'. I want to get notified in the morning after job succeeds (job runs at night). May be I was thinking that I can use jobhistory tables (job_status column) and write a script such that if status is success, notify operator at particular time. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • You can't configure that in the job itself, so I would just create another job that runs in the morning to check if the other job succeeded or not.

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  • Yeah I understand that but i need help with scripting. here is my code:

    select * from (







    from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh

    join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on jh.job_id = j.job_id

    and = 'storedprocedures') as J

    where Run_Date between GETDATE()-1 and GETDATE()

    [[[[--- i need help here .how do i write sumtng such that if all run staus for this job is success, then i want to send mail]]]]]]

    If jh.run_status = 1

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail


    ,@message=' All hourly jobs successfull on getdate()'

  • This should get you started:

    Querying SQL Server Agent Job Information[/url]

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