Database Mail not sending messages

  • I have a Server that doesn't seem to always send email. The messages will get queued like they're supposed to and then they'll just sit there.

    When ever I run sysmail_help_status_sp it says that DBMail is Started, and with sysmail_help_queue_sp it says that the queue is in the 'Receives Occuring' state.

    Looking at the sysmail_allitems view, the messages are sitting there with an unsent status. I would feel better if they were failing because then I would know everything is running, but that's not happening either. They just sit there. Once I stop DBMail, restart it, and queue up a test message, everything is sent right away.

    Does anyone know what would cause the DBMail process not to pickup queued messages? This server has a fairly low volume of messages, so I'm wondering if it's just spinning somewhere, but I can't find anything else.

    Any suggestions of other things that I can look at would be greatly appreciated.




  • Greetings,

    Make sure the windows logon running the service has been granted rights on the mail server.

    make also sure there is no rule in your network preventing traffic between the SQL server and mail server.

    Thank you



    Proud member of the NRA

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    - Democracy is 2 wolves and one sheep talking about their next dinner. Freedom is 2 wolves and one armed sheep with a .357 magnum talking about their next dinner.

  • It works most of the time, so I don't think it is a permission thing. I've double checked with our Network and Mail admins, and they have confirmed that this server is allowed to submit messages for both internal and external relay. (Even though these messages are all internal.)

    In addition, I'd think that if it was a permissions problem, it would log the delivery as a failure. In this case, the messages are just sitting there, like they're never being picked up out of the queue.


  • OK, It looks like this issue has come back again today.

    The last email went in at 8:23 AM this morning, and is showing as unsent. When I run the sysmail_help_queue_sp, I'm showing that the mail queue has 2 items but is inactive, and that the status queue has 0 items and is inactive.

    On the sysmail_help_status_sp, it shows that DBMail is 'started'.

    Before I stop and start the queue to push these messages out, is there anything else that I can check to try and prevent this from happening every day.


  • I have the same problem .. did you find an answer ?


  • Are there any errors in the log -

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_event_log

    Use telnet to verify your SMTP relay, ensure that TCP 25 isn't being blocked by an FW, anti-virus, etc.

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_event_log

  • Thanks

    Ooops The problem was not on the sql server but in my smtp stuff.


  • Even i am having the same problem

  • My problem ended up being with the SMTP Configuration as well. As soon as we got that ironed out, SQL Server started sending messages immediately.

    Essentially, all of the messages were going through the SMTP servers SPAM/Content/Virus filter procedures. When a lot of messages were queued the process took a long time, and the SQL got an SMTP timeout back, so the message was never sent. Our mail team "white listed" our SQL server IP addresses, so that any messages coming from SQL could bypass the SPAM and Contenet filters and get immediately routed.

    Once the change was made, every message has been sent.


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