Database log growth & CDC

  • HI Experts,

    I have enabled CDC on about 20 databases as part of BI in one of our production server. Later I faced with the issue in which the log file of one of our database grew and filled the entire disk. I found this command as open transaction .

    BEGIN TRAN;INSERT INTO dbo.[$InfaXact] VALUES('SSLR Capture (Agent ProcessId:13416 Started:2023-02-28 17:11:52.000) User:' + suser_name() + ' Transaction Time:' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), GETDATE(), 120));

    Now the same process is running all the time , what exactly is this and how can I make sure this wont cause any trouble.




  • When you enable CDC (Change Data Capture) on a database. It creates two SQL Agent Jobs in the same instance. Every DML operation  is captured for each table whether it is (DELETE, INSERT, BEFORE UDPATE, AFTER UPDATE), it will also creates a separate cdc schema. (you can see it under system tables in SSMS).

    Your log files will grow faster if you don't move the data to a different database... to maintain history. This kind of setup is used to audit and also build any data marts for Enterprise data warehouse systems. There is a retention setting as well that you can use to set the # of days to keep the data under CDC schema.

    In my opinion, 20 databases is too much unless you have a robust tool to migrate the data to a different databases respectively for other business needs.


  • Thanks Emperor100 but my question is about the open transaction .

    The query is from Informatica tool which is causing this issue. Anyone have any idea why this is happening.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by  VastSQL.

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