Database in Recovery Pending State

  • I know i am posting this very late but might be it will helpful for someone.

    I Faced the similar issue in my production environment after schedule patching reboot activity and I fix this by.

    1- Tried SQL Server service-- Database came back online but some other database went into "Recovery Pending" state.As i Have more than 180 Content DBs hosted on that instance.

    Select * from sys.databases where state <>0

    2- Detach the database from SQL Server and tried to reattach again but it was failing because SQL Server could not read the file from disk and throwing msg that its in use.

    So i check for the possible processes which might lock the file and kill the process. (In my case it was tape backup holding the mdf file).

    3-After killing process I re-attach the DB and boom it worked for me.

  • All you had to do was kill the tape backup task, offline the DB and bring it online again. Detaching wasn't at all necessary. If you'd looked in the SQL error log, you'd have seen messages saying that SQL couldn't open the mdf because of OS error 112 (file in use by another process), which is a very good hint that some other process has the file locked. The backup process in this case.

    p.s. those backup tasks should skip SQL database files, for exactly this reason

    p.p.s. That solution was specific to your problem, not a general one for any recovery_pending database.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Well Gila Sir is right you need to tape backup task , offline the DB and bring it online again

  • Thanks a lot!!! This worked for me!!!!

  • Thanks! It was the only thing that worked!!!

  • I was able to take the offending DB off line and bring it back online to force the server to do the recovery. Seems like its all good now...still testing 🙂

  • If your database is in Recovery Pending mode due to any reason, don't worry execute the following code you can fix it.

    ALTER DATABASE database_Name



    ALTER DATABASE Database_Name



    dbcc checkdb('Database_Name',Database_Name, REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS);

    ALTER DATABASE Database_Name


    Rajendra Gautam

    SQL Developer

    Dominion Enterprises

  • gautamraj50 44895 (4/22/2015)

    If your database is in Recovery Pending mode due to any reason, don't worry execute the following code you can fix it.

    ALTER DATABASE database_Name



    ALTER DATABASE Database_Name



    dbcc checkdb('Database_Name',Database_Name, REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS);

    ALTER DATABASE Database_Name


    No, it won't fix a database in Recovery_Pending mode (it's for a DB in SUSPECT), and 'don't worry' is a really silly thing to say right before telling people to run a command which will result in data loss!

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • For me, just restarting the sql serve fixed the problem. After restart the recovering could be done.

    I think that this is the first step to be done when facing the "Recovery pending" issue.

  • shaulbel (6/9/2015)

    I think that this is the first step to be done when facing the "Recovery pending" issue.

    The first step has to be to identify why the databases are in recovery pending. A restart may fix it or may do nothing, depending on the root cause.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This worked perfectly for me. Thanks

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • recovery is in pending mode it means recovery is not completed due to some problem. if you are unable to figure out reason then then get expert help. use any other recovery tool to continue the process.

    Visit here for more help :-

  • Just to add I had this problem on a test server where the log disk had been replaced with a larger disk. Manually restarting SQL Server resolved the issue.

  • GilaMonster (6/8/2009)

    Recovery pending means that for some reason SQL cannot run restart recovery on the database. Usually this is because the log is missing or corrupt.



    Do these files exist? Is the drive online and available? If so, try stopping and restarting the SQL service as it may be that SQL came up before the drive was available. That would have caused this error.

    Best advice of the thread, thank you Gila. Worked like a charm.

    I have also noticed a consistency in the thread. Many are dealing with failed Windows\SQL Server updates who experience this issue, which is true in my case. I have two sister servers. One has never had an issue with failed updates, the other I have many failed updates, WMI issues and most databases will not come back online after quarterly reboots. The databases come back online with no issues on the sister server that has never had a failed update.

    Anyone take a shot in the dark on the root cause going on here?

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