Database Growth

  • Hi experts,

    Is there any way to find out the database growth for the last month even if i dont have any tracking method in place?


  • You can use the default trace to find out about file growth. Bellow there is a code, that I've once found on the net (sorry, I just don't remember where I got it and who wrote it, so I can't give credit) and I've been using since:

    --Find out details about AutoGrow in your DB

    DECLARE @curr_tracefilename VARCHAR(500);

    DECLARE @base_tracefilename VARCHAR(500);

    DECLARE @indx INT;

    SELECT @curr_tracefilename = PATH

    FROM sys.traces

    WHERE is_default = 1;

    SET @curr_tracefilename = reverse(@curr_tracefilename);

    SELECT @indx = patindex('%\%', @curr_tracefilename);

    SET @curr_tracefilename = reverse(@curr_tracefilename);

    SET @base_tracefilename = LEFT(@curr_tracefilename, len(@curr_tracefilename) - @indx) + '\log.trc';

    SELECT ( dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY StartTime DESC) )%2 AS l1,

    CONVERT(INT, EventClass) AS EventClass,



    ( Duration / 1000 ) AS Duration,



    ( IntegerData * 8.0 / 1024 ) AS ChangeInSize

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(@base_tracefilename, DEFAULT)

    WHERE EventClass >= 92

    AND EventClass <= 95

    AND ServerName = @@SERVERNAME

    AND DatabaseName = db_name()

    AND Filename = 'WriteFileNameHere' --Modify this line to write the real file name

    ORDER BY StartTime DESC


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  • Ratheesh.K.Nair (3/4/2012)

    Hi experts,

    Is there any way to find out the database growth for the last month even if i dont have any tracking method in place?


    Backup history is stored in MSDB database. Check the backup_size column in BackupSet table for the database you are looking for. Compare today's backup size to 30 days old backup size.

    Sujeet Singh

  • .

  • Divine Flame (3/5/2012)

    Backup history is stored in MSDB database. Check the backup_size column in BackupSet table for the database you are looking for. Compare today's backup size to 30 days old backup size.

    That's what I do. There are some scripts you can find for this.

  • I posted this a long time ago and still use it quite often!

  • Here's my script that uses the backup sizes. Checks every two weeks (1st, 8th, 15th, and 28th). Does pct change from previous backup size, and overall avg pct change for whole list.

    /* =========================================================================================== */

    /* Get Size growth of database by tracking the backup size */

    /* =========================================================================================== */

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @recid int

    DECLARE @busizedecimal(10,2)

    DECLARE @prevbusizedecimal(10,2)

    DECLARE @pctchange decimal(10,2)

    DECLARE @dbname varchar(128)

    SET @dbname = 'mydatabase'-- SET THE DATABASE NAME HERE

    CREATE TABLE #dummybackupsizes









    INSERT INTO #dummybackupsizes

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(128),S.database_name) AS DatabaseName, S.backup_start_date AS StartDate, S.backup_finish_date AS FinishDate, CONVERT(decimal(10,2),S.backup_size/1024.0/1024.0) AS BackupSizeMB, CONVERT(decimal(10,2),0.0) AS PctChangeFromPrev

    FROM msdb..backupset S

    JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily M ON M.media_set_id=S.media_set_id

    WHERE S.database_name = @dbname AND S.type = 'D' AND (DAY(S.backup_start_date) = 1 OR DAY(S.backup_start_date) = 8 OR DAY(S.backup_start_date) = 15 OR DAY(S.backup_start_date) = 28)

    ORDER by backup_start_date DESC

    DECLARE myCursorVariable CURSOR FOR

    SELECT RecID, BackupSizeMB FROM #dummybackupsizes

    OPEN myCursorVariable

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM myCursorVariable INTO @recid, @busize



    SET @prevbusize = (SELECT TOP 1 BackupSizeMB FROM #dummybackupsizes WHERE RecID > @recid ORDER BY RecID)

    if @prevbusize = 0.0 OR @prevbusize IS NULL

    SET @pctchange = 0.0


    SET @pctchange = ((@busize - @prevbusize)/@busize) * 100-- 1.45 = 1.45% change

    UPDATE #dummybackupsizes SET PctChangeFromPrev = @pctchange WHERE RecID = @recid

    FETCH NEXT FROM myCursorVariable INTO @recid, @busize


    CLOSE myCursorVariable

    DEALLOCATE myCursorVariable

    SELECT * FROM #dummybackupsizes ORDER BY RecID

    --Do not include the last record, since there is no "Previous" record

    SELECT AVG(PctChangeFromPrev) AS AvgPctChange FROM #dummybackupsizes WHERE RecID <> (SELECT MAX(RecID) FROM #dummybackupsizes)

    DROP TABLE #dummybackupsizes

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