Database functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server.

  • I am currently using Dev edition. I did a backup on dev edition and tried to restore on Standard edition and received the following error:


    restore database cannot be started because some of the database functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server."

    I tried to google and everyone informed me that before doing restoration to lower edition, we need to check what method does it belongs.

    So, I ran a query: SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features

    I got the following ouput:

    Feature name: Compression

    Feature ID: 100

    Now, I don't know the next step of how to recover the dev editond database onto standard edition. Can someone help me to resolve this issue. Thank you.

  • Looks like you are using row or page compression on one or more tables in the database you developed on the Developer Edition. You need to go into those tables and take out the compression. Once that is done, take another backup and restore that.

  • dp we have any query which view the list of all page or row compressions

  • DBA_SQL (4/12/2012)

    dp we have any query which view the list of all page or row compressions

    Off hand, nope. You might want to check Books Online to see of any of the system views or DMV can provide you that info, that's where I would have to go to answer your question.

  • --Finally This query worked out in deteming the tables with compression 🙂


    SCHEMA_NAME(sys.objects.schema_id) AS [SchemaName]

    ,OBJECT_NAME(sys.objects.object_id) AS [ObjectName]



    ,[index_id] as [IndexID_on_Table]

    FROM sys.partitions

    INNER JOIN sys.objects

    ON sys.partitions.object_id = sys.objects.object_id

    WHERE data_compression > 0

    AND SCHEMA_NAME(sys.objects.schema_id) <> 'SYS'

    ORDER BY SchemaName, ObjectName

    ALTER INDEX ALL ON Tablename


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