July 26, 2013 at 12:43 pm
I have a SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003 all the latest service packs
I am managing my database file growth like a good little DBA and making sure there is plenty of free space in them. Every two weeks I check the db and tran log files and expand manually as needed. I am puzzled because I noticed that one db file is autogrowing even though there is plenty of free space. I am also monitoring the growth of the data and it grows at about 1GB per week and the file has 18GB free space. I also found out that autogrowth occurs every Sunday night 100MB at a time (which is how its set) to about 1.5GB.
Why would my db file be autogrowing when I am checking the file free space
Current file Specs
Mdf file: Space used 429.57GB, Space Reserved 448.52
LDF File: Space used 281.51MB, Space Reserved 64651.49MB
Your help is appreciated
July 26, 2013 at 12:51 pm
Do you have an index maintenance routine running on Sundays?
Do you have a very large batch job that runs on Sundays that might possibly create and drop tables?
Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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July 26, 2013 at 4:09 pm
I have a full Index rebuild that happens Sunday at 1 AM.
Your help is appreciated.
July 29, 2013 at 2:50 am
SORT_IN_TEMPDB you might not have set it so sorting will happen in same DB which might have increased the space growth
Durai Nagarajan
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