Database error

  • Dear All,

    i am getting the following database errors can, anyone please help me

    Critical --X---- 7:03:16 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vssQACENTER:metric3025 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'spt_monitor' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Critical --X---- 6:27:37 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vss:metric3234 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'sysdatabases' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Critical --X---- 6:27:36 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vss:metric3233 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'sysdatabases' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Critical 1 --X--X- 4:41:38 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vss:metric3025 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'spt_monitor' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Critical 4 --X--X- 3:44:43 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vss:metric3227 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'sysprocesses' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Critical 3 --X--X- 3:44:43 AM 20/11/07 VSS HP DBSPI DBSPI vss:metric3025 DBSPI40-1: Unable to fetch data from table 'sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism'' [Attempt to fetch on unopened cursor. (19525)].

    Thanks & Regards


  • Can you recap what you where trying to accomplish to get to these errors?

    Alex S
  • These errors look suspiciously like errors from a monitoring tool rather than SQL Server errors...?

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