Database Does Not Show Offline with SQL

  • Hi Folls

    I am moving my NorthWind database to a new location via SQL command line

    and after the ALTER DATABASE commands and before the physical move the sql still shows the database on-line, but when i check via sql server management studio, it does show it off-line

    what am i missing ?





    ALTER DATABASE NorthWind MODIFY FILE (NAME = Northwind, FILENAME = 'E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\SampleDB\Data\NorthWind.mdf')


    ALTER DATABASE NorthWind MODIFY FILE (NAME = Northwind_log, FILENAME = 'E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\SampleDB\Data\NorthWind.ldf')





    name logical_name,

    state_desc status,

    physical_name current_location




    database_id = db_id ('northwind');




    logical_name tatus current_location

    --------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Northwind ONLINE E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\SampleDB\Data\NorthWind.mdf

    Northwind_log ONLINE E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\SampleDB\Data\NorthWind.ldf

    Thanks for the assist


  • it may need some time to actually take it offline.

    It will no longer accept new connections/commands for that db.

    But it may need to complete the offload, taking some time.


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  • Once you moved the files (mdf, ldf) from Location1 to Location2, Stop and restart the instance of SQL Server. make it DB OFFLINE.

    Refresh the Management studion and verify the changes.



  • Hi SSCarpal Tunnel

    well i am not sure what to think

    i have had it off-line for over an hour and when i chk via the sql it still shows on-line



  • Hi SRI

    I have not got that far yet

    I wanted to see the database in an offline state via sql and i do not

    It is off-line in the GUI

    I do not understand why there is a difference between the two



  • s007reddy (7/2/2009)

    Once you moved the files (mdf, ldf) from Location1 to Location2, Stop and restart the instance of SQL Server. make it DB OFFLINE.

    Refresh the Management studion and verify the changes.



    You do not need to stop and restart the instance. Depending on the size of the database (if it's not "vanilla"), as has already been statedby ALZDBA, it make take some time. However, if you can copy/move the actual mdf/ldf files and reattach, it is offline.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Thanks tosscrosby

    I am trying not to use "attach" amd "detach" as from what i have been reading, these are soon to be deprecated

    so i am using "ALTER DATABASE" commands

    it's just that even though the database is OFFLINE, when you run the sql it still says ONLINE

    that is the quirk



  • That is strange indeed.

    Double check if you are trying to move the correct db-files. (they can have any name with no "link" to the db itself)

    Check if there are still connections to the db.

    (sp_who may help out)

    Whenever I put a db offline, I always first switch it to "restricted user" using "with rollback immeditate", meaning non-do users are being kicked out.

    After that I put it offline, which usually happens fairly fast.


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