February 26, 2010 at 4:30 am
Every time i try to do a database diagram i receive an error massage that says the following:
This database does not have one or more of the supporte objects require to use database diagram.
Do you want to install them?
What database objects are this? i don't know if i can install them or not....
Thank you
February 26, 2010 at 9:51 am
The objects are dbo.sysdiagrams, dbo.upgraddiagrams, dbo.helpdiagrams, dbo.helpdiagramdefinition,dbo.sp_creatediagram, dbo.sp_renamediagram, dbo.sp_alterdiagram, and dbo.sp_dropdiagram.
They're created when a member of syadmin or a member of db_owner answers yes to the install question. If you're a member of one of the aforementioned roles, you can create them.
March 1, 2010 at 9:22 am
Thank you Greg.
AFTER you responde yes (if you are member of sysadmim or DB_onwer), then people can start create Diagramms because the objects are created.
1- Where are the objects created? are they all created in the Master database? or are they created in the User database where i reply with a yes?
2- AFTER a member of the sysadmin or DB_owner responde yes, who can create diagramms? only persons belonging to this two roles?
Thank you.
March 1, 2010 at 2:19 pm
1- The objects are created in the current database, not master.
2- Any user with access to the database can create a diagram.
In addition, the diagram is only viewable by it's creator and by members of sysadmin and db_owner.
This is all documented in BOL under "diagrams [SQL Server]".
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