Database Daily Usefullness

  • Do you read Database Daily each week? Do you find it useful or not? Or is it something you browse when things are slow?

  • I read it each week and I usually find at least one useful link each "issue."

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I like the Database Daily and I do read it thoroughly.  Please keep up the good work!
  • I look forward to reading dbdaily, i think the format could be changed a little, but im not sure how, maybe partition different sections of into colors ?? maybe hyperlinks to the sections, not the news items themselves ??

    I like reading security primarily and microsoft and of course SQL server news, the others i dont have interest in but occasionally read (eg on a quiet work day)

    the unsubscribers dont know what they are missing !!

    keep up the great work




    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Hi Steve,

    I usually scan the database daily and the community update. There are at least two articles a time in the daily database where as in the community update I read the articles, editorial and scripts and if nothing interests me its gone(I can search online if theres something I am looking for...and have done so in the past - log shipping etc). I don't read the blogs, having said that I found an interesting one last week.

    My preference is useful articles surrounding SQL server with a lean towards how tos. I will be interested in Yukon however I am ignoring the majority of articles until I have a single client who's going to upgrade. Given that I service the finance industry, they'll be loath to move until SP1 on that one. 

    I don't scan the news or google unless theres something I want so I do find this condensed version interesting.


  • I read it, I follow most of the links, I find it very interesting, stimulating and useful. It saves me a lot of work.

    You should be getting lots of Kudos for it. Please keep it going.

    In SQL Server terms its the most useful thing I have found on the Web. For example, where Stonebraker goes the others will have to follow.

  • i enjoy reading database daily , usually when i need a break from the day to day DBA chores. Some of the articles are interesting and usefull and hope you decide to keep the idea going.

    A bit of a taboo question maybe but, do you know of a decent oracle equivalent site? i have unwillingly been shunted into some oracle work, and from what i have seen the SQL Server community is a far more friendlier place to be

    Thanks, Adrian

  • I read it each week and am getting a lot out of it.  Keep up the good work!


  • I give it a quick look when I get it and zero in on anything that catches my interest.  Tought to give it too much time as I am inundated with heavy workload.

     It is of benefit and you should keep it going if you are able.



  • analogy: I used to buy the Tuesdays' Australian (newspaper) for the IT sector news but since I subscribe to the News Ltd newsletter, I don't need to. same news, more convienance.

    To me, Database Daily is a similar service. To be honest, I'll follow a link at, say, 1 out of 3 editions. But don't be cut about this.

    While it might not be a consistatly critical service, it's still valuable to me. I can choose what I'm interested in, and follow up.

    and all it takes to prove Database Daily's worth is one single (timely) story/article/link. just one at the right moment. Information dissemination is the key in a vast overload of "stuff" on the web.

    in that context it's worth it's weight in gold.

    keep going Steve and crew, I appreciate it. I certainly won't be unsubscribing.







  • Major Kudos to you!

    I read it each week and always find something interesting to use or a new little tip that will save me time.

    Keep up the good work and know that many people appreciate all the hard work.

  • Just to add my 2 pennies.  I generally find at least one, and generally more, interesting links in Daily.  Keep up the good work.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

  • Steve,

    Please keep sending Database Daily.  I always find two or three interesting items to read.  Gathering all of this information is a lot of work, I'm sure.  You are providing a great service!



    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Hi Steve.

    I scan most of my subscribes. Yours included. I generally look to yours before I look at any other news source for SQL because I get what I want and you seldom if ever miss anything important.

    You are my info compressor. A lovely lossless codec of SQL information. Keep up the good work.

  • I too read the Database Daily whenever it comes out.  I often find useful of interesting tidbits that I might otherwise have missed.  Good work.


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