Database connection rejected?

  • Hello people,

    I have problem with a user that tries to use our own developed management system,

    the user is on another location and the user using a "linksys rw042 firewall it is configured as VPN.

    The user can use all our network drives and outlook also our phone exchange. (network based).

    the the problem is our management system

    this error message appears:

    Could someone help me ?

    I guess it has to be something with the permissions/settings somewhere

    Thank you in advance

  • I've had this problem. The "quick fix" was to reboot the server but it didn't solve the problem. It kept on coming back. Here's a link to Microsoft on how to troubleshoot this:

    However it didn't help me to resolve it. The solution was a Windows patch. I'll talk to our Windows admins if they can remember which patch it was.

  • Thank you in advance mate

  • I remembered incorrectly. It wasn't a patch that solved the problem. For a while our domain controllers was a mix of Windows 2003 and 2008 (or 2012). As soon as all DCs where running on the same Windows version the problems disappeared.

  • the issue was with the dns..

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