Database Backup via TSQL

  • I have a stored procedure that I'll be executing to backup a database.  How can I be sure that the backup was successffull?


  • This really depends on what your definition of "successful" is.

    If it is "Stored Proc Worked." then you already get that by the error handling. You'll get an error if it doesn't at runtime.

    If it is "created the backup file" then you can simply run a fileexists check for it afterwards.

    If it is "created a verified good backup" (which is what I would do) then run another proc to restore it to a test server, and select a row of data from the restored db, checking for success.

    What exactly do you need?

  • I want to ensure the backup database command completed successfully.  Will that backup database command set @@ERROR if it fails? 

    Here is what i've come up with....  would you agree with this or suggest something else?

    I won't be confirming the the backup by doing a restore... that will be happening already on a daily basis.  We just want the database to be automatically backed up when a user runs a certain program.

    -- Backup the database


    TO DISK = @Backup




     NAME = @BackupName,


     STATS = 10,


    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0


      PRINT 'The database backup failed.'

      RAISERROR('The database backup failed.', 16, -1)

      RETURN @Err


    --Verify the backup set exists and is valid


    FROM DISK = @Backup

    SET @Err = @@ERROR

    IF @Err <> 0


      PRINT 'The database backup could not be verified.'

      RAISERROR('The database backup could not be verified.', 16, -1)

      RETURN @Err


    -- One more check to ensure that the backup set was made today - not sure if this is necessary




       name, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, *




       name = @BackupName

       AND backup_finish_date >= @BackupDateTime



      PRINT 'The time_stamp of the database backup could not be verified.'

      RAISERROR('The time_stamp of the database backup could not be verified.', 16, -1)

      RETURN @Err




    Thanks for your help.

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