Database access Issue

  • I have a sql server 2000 personal installed on my pc and there is a web application talking to the DB on my PC. So when I am trying to accessing the application from diff machine I could not connect to the Database.

    Do I need to do anything with Sqlserver properties to access the DB from other machines.


  • How are you attempting to connect to SQL Server?  ODBC?  Are you using Windows Authentication or SQL Server authentication?  Is your PC running Windows XP SP2?  If so, turn off the Windows firewall....

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • My PC is running windows 2000 and using sql server authentication and It's ADO not ODBC.



  • Are both machines in the same domain?  You may want to attempt to use the same SQL Server account that your ADO object is using and try to connect via ODBC so you can troubleshoot outside of your application. 

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Both of them are on same domain and I have tried to connect to the application by turn off the firewall. But still unable to login from a different machine where as I can login to the query analyzer with the same sql login from a diff machine and be able to do execute the required SPs. Why the pbm with the application when I try from a different machine.



  • whatz the error message you are getting?


  • Unfortunately the login page is not showing any error. Its just showing the same login screen again and again.



  • Description: Cannot find table 0.

    User Login:

    User Id: 0

    File: http://xxx_demo/application1/messages.aspx

    Server: Server1

    Source: System.Data

    TargetSite: System.Data.DataTable get_Item(Int32)


    This is the message I got.


    But When I run the same SP in query analyzer everything works fine.



  • Hi,

    Maybe you can find some help in this program c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\svrnetcn.exe

    To connect to an SQL Server you must configure de server using this tools.

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