Data Warehouse Developer

  • I just want to know it is more valuable to become a data warehouse developer/modeler/engineer than just a regular SQL Server Developer/DBA.

    Or is it better to become a C# developer?



  • Hi,

    In what u are Good ?

  • I am a SQL developer using Oracle and SQL Server.   I did some data warehouse work before.  I do very little C#.

  • That depends, what's your favorite color?

    Seriously, how do you define "value"?  Are you asking what pays more?  Chances are if your asking that you don't really care, you just want more money... So, then get every certification you can get, job hop, be willing to relocate and travel, BS on your resume as much as possible.  Why not get a Masters degree in something? It doesn't matter what it's in, most people go gaga when they hear that, not knowing that it takes almost nothing but time and money to get one.  Heck, why not a PhD?



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