Data Warehouse: Auto Generate Slowly Changing Dimension Code For Any Table with Dynamic Sql

  • Is there any code to take OLTP/Stage data and transform it into Data Warehouse Kimball Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2? The code should be dynamic, and should be able to utilize any table as input.
    I have been searching for code online similar to Ola Hallengren, Brent Ozar, or open source to formulate data into slowly changing dimensions. SQL Temporal tables only apply more to ETL Dates, rather than business dates (and I have a backlog of data). Some OLTP vendors don't allow temporal tables on their structures.
    We have literally 100 hundreds of tables which need to be placed into Slowly Changing dimensions. The data have duplicates or repeated, other times columns need to be renamed/ or excluded from slowly changing dimension.  Searching for an automatic code generator. It is taking a long time to code them all.
    Can someone make this better, parametrize more, improve it, and enhance  (hopefully open source this). Working on this for couple weeks. Feel free to try out/edit, or write a new answer below.
        create procedure dbo.Dim_Type2_GenerateCode
         @TableNameSource varchar(255),
         @TableSourceLoadDate varchar(255) = 'LoadDatetime',
         @NaturalKey varchar(255),
         @NaturalBeginDateChange varchar(255),
         @NaturalEndDateChange varchar(255) = null,
         @RepeatedDataFlag bit = 0,
         @TempTableFlag bit = 0,
         @ColumnExcludeList varchar(max) = null
        set nocount on
        -- Purpose:  Generate slowly changing dimensions for any table
        -- Note:
        -- In case of Column Renames or joins between Staging and Dimension, utilize MapVw, eg FoodMapVw, CustomerMapVw, ProductMapVw
        -- To Include only certain columns between Staging and Dimension, utilize MapVw, eg FoodMapVw, CustomerMapVw, ProductMapVw
        -- To Load data into smaller temp table to prevent querying repeatedly, utilize @TempTableFlag = 1
        -- Column Exclusion parameter can be added to exclude certain columns
        -- Works with three table types below: Transaction Dates, Tables with Beg/EndDates already, Tables with RepeatedData
        --  ProductId ProductName  TransactionDate      ProductId    ProductName   TransactionDate  EndEffDate           ProductId     ProductName   TransactionDate (Repeated)
        --     1      Apple         4/1/2018              1             Apple         4/1/2018       4/3/2018               1              Apple           4/1/2018
        --     1      Apple         4/3/2018              1             Apple         4/3/2018       4/7/2018               1              Apple           4/1/2018
        --     1      Apple         4/7/2018              1             Apple         4/12/2018      12/31/999              1              Apple           4/2/2018
        --                                                                                                                      1              Apple           4/3/2018
        set @TableNameSource = right(@TableNameSource, len(@TableNameSource) - charindex('.', @TableNameSource))
        declare @StageTableName varchar(255)
        declare @DimTableName varchar(255)
        set @TempTableFlag = (case when @NaturalBeginDateChange is null or @NaturalEndDateChange is null or @RepeatedDataFlag = 1 then 1 else 0 end)
        DECLARE @ColumnExcludeTable table(ColumnExcludeValue varchar(500) not null);
        insert into @ColumnExcludeTable(ColumnExcludeValue)
        select ltrim(rtrim(value)) as ColumnExcludeValue from string_split(@ColumnExcludeList, ',');
        declare @TempTableDeclare varchar(max) = 'create table #'+@TableNameSource+
         ' + @TableNameSource + '_id bigint primary key identity(1,1),' +
         (select STUFF((
         SELECT ',
         + + ' ' +
         when like '%char%' then + '(' + cast(c.max_length as varchar(10)) + ')'
         when like '%numeric%' or like '%decimal%' then + '(' + cast(c.precision as varchar(10)) + ',' + cast(c.scale as varchar(10)) + ')'
        FROM .sys.columns c
        inner JOIN sys.types t
         on t.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
         and t.system_type_id = c.system_type_id
        where c.object_id = object_id(@TableNameSource) and is_identity = 0
         and not like '%@NaturalKey%'
         and not like '%EndEffDate%'
         and <> @NaturalBeginDateChange
         and not in (select columnexcludetable.ColumnExcludeValue from @ColumnExcludeTable columnexcludetable)
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,''))
        + ' 
         ,BegEffDatetime datetime
         ,EndEffDatetime datetime
        declare @TempTableCodeInsert varchar(max)=
         (select STUFF((
         SELECT ',
         + QUOTENAME(
        FROM .sys.columns c
        inner JOIN sys.types t
         on t.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
         and t.system_type_id = c.system_type_id
        where c.object_id = object_id(@TableNameSource) and is_identity = 0
         and not like '%BegEffDate%'
         and not like '%EndEffDate%'
         and <> @NaturalBeginDateChange
         and not in (select columnexcludetable.ColumnExcludeValue from @ColumnExcludeTable columnexcludetable)
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,''))
        declare @TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate varchar(max) = (replace(@TempTableCodeInsert,quotename(@TableSourceLoadDate),''))
        set @TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate = LEFT(@TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate, LEN(@TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate)-5)
        --set @TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate = (replace(@TempTableCodeInsertNoLoadDate,quotename(@NaturalBeginDateChange),''))
        declare @ColumnListNoPrimary varchar(max) =
         (select STUFF((
         SELECT ',
         + QUOTENAME(
         FROM .sys.columns c
         where c.object_id = object_id(@TableNameSource) and is_identity = 0
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,''))
        declare @ColumnListNoPrimaryNoTimeStamp varchar(max) =
         (select STUFF((
         SELECT ',
         + QUOTENAME(
         FROM .sys.columns c
         where c.object_id = object_id(@TableNameSource) and is_identity = 0
         and <> @NaturalKey
         and not like '%BeginEffDate%'
         and not like '%EndEffDate%'
         and not like '%CreateDatetime%'
         and not like '%UpdateDatetime%'
         and not like '%Loaddate%'
         and <> @NaturalBeginDateChange
         and not in (select columnexcludetable.ColumnExcludeValue from @ColumnExcludeTable columnexcludetable)
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,''))
        declare @ColumnListNoPrimaryCompareCheck varchar(max) =
         (select STUFF((
         SELECT ' or
         + 'stg.'+ QUOTENAME( + ' <> dim.' + QUOTENAME(
         FROM .sys.columns c
         where c.object_id = object_id(@TableNameSource) and is_identity = 0
         and <> @NaturalKey
         and not like '%BeginEffDate%'
         and not like '%EndEffDate%'
         and not like '%CreateDatetime%'
         and not like '%UpdateDatetime%'
         and not like '%Loaddate%'
         and <> @NaturalBeginDateChange
         and not in (select columnexcludetable.ColumnExcludeValue from @ColumnExcludeTable columnexcludetable)
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,3,''))
        set @StageTableName = REPLACE(@TableNameSource,'Dim','Stage')
        set @StageTableName = (case when @TempTableFlag = 1 then '#' + @StageTableName else 'dbo.' + @StageTableName end)
        set @DimTableName = REPLACE(@TableNameSource,'Stage','Dim')
        set @DimTableName = REPLACE(@DimTableName,'MapVw','')
        set @DimTableName = (case when left(@DimTableName,3) <> 'Dim' then 'Dim_' + @DimTableName else @DimTableName end)
        set @NaturalBeginDateChange = (case when @TempTableFlag = 1 then @NaturalBeginDateChange  else @NaturalBeginDateChange end)
        declare @NaturalBeginDateChangeRename varchar(255) = (case when @TempTableFlag = 1 then 'BegEffDatetime'  else @NaturalBeginDateChange end)
        declare @TableListGenerateCode nvarchar(max) =
        'create procedure dbo.' + @DimTableName +'Update
         @LoadDatetimeParam datetime
        declare @NewDatetime datetime = getdate()
        '--Declare temp data
        ' +
        case when @TempTableFlag = 1
        + @TempTableDeclare + '
        insert into ' + @StageTableName +
        ' + @TempTableCodeInsert + '
        )' +
        case when @RepeatedDataFlag = 1
         ' + replace(@TempTableCodeInsert,quotename(@TableSourceLoadDate),'min('+quotename(@TableSourceLoadDate)+')') + '
         ,min(' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ') as BegEffDatetime 
         ,case when max(stg.' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ') = (select max(substage.' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ') from ' + @TableNameSource + ' substage where stg.'+ @NaturalKey + ' = substage.' + @NaturalKey + ') then ''12/31/9999'' else max(stg.' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ') end as EndDate
        from ' + @TableNameSource + ' stg
        where LoadDatetime > @LoadDatetimeParam
        group by ' + @TempTableCodeInsertNoLoaddate
        when @RepeatedDataFlag = 0
        +  @TempTableCodeInsert + '
         ,' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ' as BegEffDatetime
         ,ISNULL(Lead(' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ' + 1) Over (partition by ' + @NaturalKey + ' order by ' + @NaturalBeginDateChange + ' asc), ''12/31/9999'') as EndEffDatetime'
        + '
        from ' + @TableNameSource +
        where LoadDatetime > @LoadDatetimeParam'
        + '
        --End temp data section '  + '
        --Begin Transaction
        begin transaction
         --Close off existing records that have changed
         update dbo.' + @DimTableName + '
          UpdateDatetime = @NewDatetime,
          EndEffDatetime = (select min(' + @NaturalBeginDateChangeRename + ') from ' + @StageTableName +' substage where stg.' + @NaturalKey + ' = substage.' + @NaturalKey + ')
         from dbo.' + @DimTableName + ' dim
         inner join ' + @StageTableName + ' stg
          on dim.' + @NaturalKey + ' = stg.' + @NaturalKey + '
          and dim.EndEffDatetime = ''12/31/9999''
         stg.LoadDatetime > @LoadDatetimeParam
         and ('
         + @ColumnListNoPrimaryCompareCheck +
         --Insert new updated records
         insert into dbo.' + @DimTableName +
          ' + @NaturalKey  + ',
          ' + @ColumnListNoPrimaryNoTimeStamp + ',' +
          stg.' + @NaturalKey +','
          + replace(@ColumnListNoPrimaryNoTimeStamp,'[','stg.[') +
          ,@newdatetime as CreateDatetime
          ,@newdatetime as UpdateDatetime
          ,stg.BegEffDatetime as BegEffDatetime
          ,stg.EndEffDatetime as EndEffDatetime
         from '  + @StageTableName + ' stg
         inner join ' + @DimTableName + ' dim
          on dim.' + @NaturalKey + ' = stg.' + @NaturalKey + '
          and dim.UpdateDatetime = @NewDatetime
         --Verify Updates
          stg.LoadDatetime > @LoadDatetimeParam
          and ('
         + @ColumnListNoPrimaryCompareCheck + ')
         --Insert New Business Key records which do not exist
         UNION ALL
          stg.' + @NaturalKey +',
          ' + replace(@ColumnListNoPrimaryNoTimeStamp,'[','stg.[') +
          ,@newdatetime as CreateDatetime
          ,@newdatetime as UpdateDatetime
          ,stg.BegEffDatetime as BegEffDatetime
          ,''12/31/9999'' as EndEffDate
         from '  + @StageTableName + ' stg
         left join dbo.' + @DimTableName + ' dim
          on dim.' + @NaturalKey + ' = stg.' + @NaturalKey + '
         where dim.' + @NaturalKey + ' is null 
        commit transaction
        --end code'
        -- Print columns in three steps, print and select only can print first 8000 characters
        print substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Create procedure',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--Declare temp data',@TableListGenerateCode))
        print substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Declare temp data',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--End temp data',@TableListGenerateCode)-charindex('--Declare temp data',@TableListGenerateCode))
        print substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Begin transaction',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--Close off existing records',@TableListGenerateCode)-charindex('--Begin Transaction',@TableListGenerateCode))
        print  ' ' + substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Close off existing records',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--Insert new updated records',@TableListGenerateCode)-charindex('--Close off existing records',@TableListGenerateCode))
        print  ' ' + substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Insert new updated records',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--Verify updates',@TableListGenerateCode) -charindex('--Insert new updated records',@TableListGenerateCode) )
        print  ' ' + substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Verify updates',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--Insert New Business',@TableListGenerateCode) -charindex('--Verify updates',@TableListGenerateCode) )
        print  ' ' + substring(@TableListGenerateCode,charindex('--Insert New Business',@TableListGenerateCode),charindex('--end code',@TableListGenerateCode)-charindex('--Insert New Business',@TableListGenerateCode))
    **Test Scenarios:**
    Personnel keeps mislabeling items at grocery store. Keeps track of history.
        drop table [dbo].[Stage_Food]
        create table [dbo].[Stage_Food]
         [Stagefoodid] int identity(1,1),
         [FoodNaturalId] [int] NOT NULL,
         [FoodName] [varchar](255) NULL,
         [FoodCategory] [varchar](255) NULL,
         [FoodTransactionDate] datetime,
         [LoadDatetime] datetime
         primary key clustered ([Stagefoodid] ASC)
        drop table dbo.[Dim_food]
        create table [dbo].[Dim_food]
         [DimFoodId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
         [FoodNaturalId] [int] NULL,
         [FoodName] [varchar](255) NULL,
         [FoodCategory] [varchar](255) NULL,
         [BegEffDatetime] [datetime] NULL,
         [EndEffDatetime] [datetime] NULL,
         [CreateDatetime] [datetime] NULL,
         [Updatedatetime] [datetime] NULL
         primary key clustered ( [DimFoodId] ASC)
        exec dbo.Dim_Type2_GenerateCode
         @TableNameSource = 'Stage_Food',
         @TableSourceLoadDate = 'LoadDatetime',
         @NaturalKey = 'FoodNaturalId',
         @NaturalBeginDateChange = 'FoodTransactionDate'
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (1,'Apple','Vegetable','5/2/2018','5/4/2018')
        exec dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/3/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (2,'Bread','Meat','5/3/2018','5/5/2018')
        exec dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/4/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (1,'Apple','Candy','5/8/2018','5/9/2018')
        dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/8/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (2,'Bread','Grain','5/8/2018','5/10/2018')
        dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/9/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        -- Test2 Repeated data flag
        exec dbo.Dim_Type2_GenerateCode
         @TableNameSource = 'Stage_Food',
         @TableSourceLoadDate = 'LoadDatetime',
         @NaturalKey = 'FoodNaturalId',
         @NaturalBeginDateChange = 'FoodTransactionDate',
         @RepeatedDataFlag = 1,
         @TempTableFlag  = 1
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (1,'Apple','Vegetable','5/2/2018','5/4/2018'),
        exec dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/3/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (2,'Bread','Meat','5/2/2018','5/5/2018'),
        exec dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/4/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (1,'Apple','Candy','5/6/2018','5/9/2018'),
        dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/8/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
        insert into dbo.Stage_Food
        values (2,'Bread','Grain','5/8/2018','5/10/2018')
        dbo.Dim_FoodUpdate '5/9/2018'
        select * from dbo.Dim_food
    You can test out more items, temp table flags, column exclusion list, mapping views
  • I'm fairly certain you are asking for far more effort than is reasonable for a forum post response, and that is likely the reason for no response as yet.   I'm also not so sure that having slowly changing dimensions is all that desirable unless they're fairly small, but I'm not looking to discuss the pros or cons of them.   I'm simply pointing out that you're asking an awful lot from a volunteer, who would also have to be rather highly skilled.   And, it's folks like that who are the most likely to be the most busy.   FYI...

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Have a look at the following:

    BIML (Business Intelligence Markup Language) which is an add-on for SSDT and helps to scaffold out SSIS packages based on sys metadata - it is a good way to get out of the ground quickly with a prototype DWH but in my opinion it is not robust enough for production use, especially if you are using source code control and a CD/CI pipeline.

    Have a look at the DataVault pattern.

    This is an interesting take on the interim stage of data storage before it goes into Kimball/Innmon. As it's basis you split business keys into HUBs, foreign keys into LINKs and descriptive data into one or more SATtelites.  You have have multiple SATs for a HUB or LINK if there is a significant variation in the volatility of data (e.g. customer name changes 1 time for every 100 record years, account balance changes daily) and as a result you can optimise storage as you don't need to keep the whole of the TYPE II change record for a change in a single field.  The DV2 pattern allows for parallel loading of HUBs and LINKs and in theory provides the ability to restore the state of the source system at any point in history (wouldn't want to prove it though!)

  • I have a generic MERGE template that I use for Type 2 SCDs as the SCD Task in SSIS isn't particularly performant.
    It involves creating a checksum column on both the stage and SCD tables that is populated with the checksum of the columns that you are monitoring the changes of.
    From there, you can create a merge that does the following:
    Gets the source data, when it matches the target and the checksum is different, then add a row and change the valid to/from dates of each; when it matches the target and the checksum is the same, does nothing as it's the same row, as well as the standard insert if not exists.
    It's then a straightforward cut and paste job for the template each time I've established the key columns as well as those that I'm monitoring.
    If you try to get any more programmatic, I suspect that you may fall foul of the analysis phase and not understanding your SCD requirements..

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