Data Transformation

  • I have an comma-separated source file that includes data going into columns defined as smalldatetime.  Some of the input dates don't exist.  I have tried scripting and derived columnsboth with the same results.  As soon as the first row with a missing date is encountered the process stops with the message, "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".

    The expression I am using for the derived column is:

    ISNULL(LaborRateEffectiveData) ? ActivationDate : LaborRateEffectiveDate

    The data for ActivationDate is just fine and goes into a column defined as smalldatetime as well. 

    I am replacing the column. The data type for the derived column is database timestamp.

    Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

  • Hi Tim,

    Instead of checking for NULL, try checking for an empty string like the following in the derived column expression:

    [LaborRateEffectiveDate] == '' ? [ActivationDate] : [LaborRateEffectiveDate]

    Let me know if it worked.



  • Nope, didn't work.  I still get the trancation error message.  I did come up with a work-around by comparing YEAR([LaborRateEffectiveDate]) < 1900.

  • I'm stuck on the same error.

    Hopefully someone will find a better way but for now i use a staging table where i move the date into varchar(8) and then i run an insert and convert it to date. then i run an update statement which removes all the 1/1/1900. '1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM' appear when transferring an empty date field from a flatfile to a table with a datetime datatype.

    update tablename set COLUMN=null where onsaledate = '1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM'



    Alex S

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