data refresh

  • i was told to do a data refresh from the prod onto the UAT and DEV box...i thought i can just do a backup of the prod and restore it on DEV and UAT but that is not the case it seems..the developer told me he only needs the i see that there is one job in one of the servers which does the same stuff....but i just dnt know how to create a job...i right the create job ...but how do i get the code which goes in the box..i thought i can use import/export wizard..but that will drop and recreate the tables again...i think i have to create a job..can anyone please say me how to get that code...thx

  • Hello

    Like you said there is already a job which performs similar action,

    why don't you script that job and see whats in that job. And depending on the new requirements modify that script with a new job name and run it again to get a new similar job,

    will that work ?

    If you want to refresh data in couple of tables which has primary key, you might want to think of transactional replication.

    Linked server is also a good option.



  • It sounds like you really don't know a lot about SQL Server. Honestly the safest thing would be to get the money to buy Data Compare from Red Gate and let that handle things.

    If schemas are the same, you can truncate the tables on UAT and then use the data import wizard to move the data from the prod, but click the "edit mappings" button and have it just append data.

  • You can setup Replication ,Mirroring or Log Shipping in this case.

    Paresh Prajapati
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  • Paresh,

    I have to say, I agree with Steve.

    Since in his particular case, he don't continuous data refresh of production, I assume it is just once.

    What Steve suggested, I think is ideal solution, truncate and load all data if the schema's are same in both source and destination databases ( SSIS )

    Updates are very difficult. It should be truncate and load.

    If it is truncate and load , then

    This could be problem in tables with referential keys and columns with identity PROPERTY....

    I know many more actually ....

    Is append data, exact copy of prod database, Nope !!!



  • this forum has helped me a lot...i am here to learn and i don't think so you have the right to judge anyone with their expertise in SQL..i am sure u must be an expert in SQL...still you do not have the right to judge anyone..thank for posting the solution...

  • Make sure you backup prod and dev/UAT before you drop of create it is the first time you are doing it better be safe than be sorry...Good Luck!!



    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Paresh Prajapati (12/22/2008)

    You can setup Replication ,Mirroring or Log Shipping in this case.

    Mirroring won't help in this situation.

    Snap-shop replication could be used though.

  • Paresh Prajapati (12/22/2008)

    You can setup Replication ,Mirroring or Log Shipping in this case.

    The Dev or UAT server needs to be in available state during and after the refresh process I believe...Mirroring/Log shipping is not the solution fore refresh purposes as secondary server is in standby mode..use snapshot replication and select the needed tables as should be fine...


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • My point was not to insult you, but recommend a product since this is easy to make a mistake on and end up wasting lots of time.

    At the same time, it's a simple task, so if you are asking the question as you are, likely you will make mistakes. It's not a problem if you don't know, but it's also a little silly to defend your ignorance.

    I have asked plenty of questions of people on subjects in SQL Server where I am ignorant. There's no shame in not knowing.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/23/2008)

    I have asked plenty of questions of people on subjects in SQL Server where I am ignorant. There's no shame in not knowing.

    Thats what makes you an editor of forum like SQL Server Central. You are Simple Best !!!

    I Want to have as much knowledge as you have and still be polite to others ... Wow !!!

  • Thanks :blush:

  • may be the way i framed the question was wrong...i looked at the steps and we were using BCP..some how i figured out to use..i agree it is definitely time consuming..but i just cant say to the higher authority to get a third pary tool for this..amy be i can put this in the next meeting..i have been dng this all day and still doing..i will update once done..thank you for suggestions..

  • sayfrend (12/23/2008)

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/23/2008)

    Thats what makes you an editor of forum like SQL Server Central. You are Simple Best !!!

    I Want to have as much knowledge as you have and still be polite to others ... Wow !!!

    Steve for sure is very humble and down to earth...I met him at a conference and was impressed by the way he carries himself...not to mention the loads of help newbie DBA's get from this site...

    This one's for you Steve...:hehe:...Merry Christmas!!


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

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