Data Pivot Problem

  • Can anyone help with this. I could do it in VB, not too much problem but want to do it in TSQL...

    I have a table with 2 receipt types identified by a code



    shopID receiptcode amount

    ------ ----------- -------

    2 1 121

    2 2 332

    4 1 344

    4 2 665

    Basically, I want to create a new table with this data but want it to look like the following

    shopID receipt1 receipt2

    ------ ----------- ---------

    2 121 332

    4 344 665

    Any ideas greatly received!


  • First of all, I would like to remark that you are denormalising your tables. But I guess you have a good reason to do so.

    Here's a possible solution

    INSERT INTO NewTable
    (ShopID, Receipt1, Receipt2)
    ( SELECT t1.ShopID, t1.Amount, t2.Amount
    OldTable t2 ON
    t1.shopID = t2.shopID
    AND t2.receiptcode = 2
    WHERE t1.receiptcode = 1

    This will insert a record for each ShopID that has a record with Receiptcode 1. If the shop also has a receiptcode 2, it will also be inserted. If that is not the case, Receipt2 will be NULL in the new table.

    Hope this is what you are looking for...

  • It is possible to pivot data using the case statement.

    If the columns are known, you can use this.

    select shopid,

    sum(case receiptcode

    when 1 then amount

    else 0

    end) as receipt1,

    sum(case receiptcode

    when 2 then amount

    else 0

    end) as receipt2

    from tblSample

    group by shopid

    If the columns are unknown you would have to build the statement using dynamic SQL, building it within a cursor of a distinct list of column values.

    Edited by - paulhumphris on 11/29/2002 03:31:58 AM

  • Cheers guys, I actually did this a completly different way. I read the data into crystal reports, wrote a few formula`s then exported it to CSV and imported back into SQL....!!

    Thanks for the advice anyway, will be useful for future reference.


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