Data Migration - Quickly Inserting New Data

  • Steve,

    thanks. This is a good approach. I use Excel and Access VBA sometimes. I can just suggest another simple way.

    You can click Tools->Macro->Record New Macro. Give the new macro the name FillInsert for example and click OK. Then right away Tools->Macro->Stop recording. Then Tools->Visual Basic Editor. You will see a template for a new procedure in the right  pane if you click under Modules -> Module 1 on the left. Just enter 3 lines of For...Next block in between the procedure name and End Sub. Save. Back in Excel Do Tools->Macro->Macros. Clcik on the one that you just created and click Run. Watch the sells filling up with your statement.

    Sub FillInsert()

     For i = 1 To 25

        Cells(i, 3).Value = "insert productmap select " & Cells(i, 1) & "," & Cells(i, 2)

     Next i


    End Sub

    Please, note that

    -you have to replace 25 with your actual number of records

    - the long line filling up the cells should be all in one line

    - You can write code in VB Editor without creating Macro template first, just do it manually, I used it as example for those who are not comfortable with code

    - Module 1 could be actually Module 2 or Module 25 based what is already in your Excel application

    - This code will work in the active worksheet. To specify a worksheet you have to qualify it exactly like in SQL Server. Something like that:

    Worksheets("sheet1").Range("C5:C10").Cells(1, 1).Value




    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Excellent out-of-the-box use of Excel!

    I was on an Access97 -> SQL2000 migration last year, and had to do a similar hack.  In my case, I used some SQL script to programmatically build my inserts and updates, and pasted the generated statements from Query Analyzer back over to my huge migration batch.

    I was pretty pleased with myself, but this Excel technique would have been faster!


    Peace & happy computing,

    Mike Labosh, MCSD

    "Escriba coda ergo sum."

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