Data Migration from Sql 2005 to Oracle 10G

  • Can anyone please fwd any information related to datamigration from sql 2005 to Oracle using SSIS. With DTS its pretty straightfwd but SSIS works little different so looking for any links that could provided me stepby step intructions how to move data from one database to the other. ANy help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • This should get you started:

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  • Using Oracle SQL Developer is the best way to migrate to Oracle.

    If you want to use SSIS then you need to do the data type conversion between SQL Server and Oracle using data Task.

    Especially you need to worry about Varchar and Nvarchar datatypes.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks for the response. i just learnt the migration is from oracle to oracle only using SSIS> bit strange but thats how the client prefers. Now i am trying to work out the tns entry to set up an OLEDB connection to oracle server. can anyone please help me with this. This is the details i have for the oracle env.

    driverClassName - oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    url - jdbc:oracle:thin@orasvcdbsl5555:1521:namsdev

    username - chktest

    password - chektest_dev

  • Add the Oracle Server to the TNSNamesOra file and then use the Oracle Provider for OLEDB Provider and then create a connection manager to the Oracle Server and use that connection Mgr in the SSIS Pkg for the Migration.

    Thank You,

    Best Regads,


  • Thats absolutely correct but i am not able to get the tns entry correct just with the details i have. it shows error msg as ORA-12514: TNS: Listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

    my tns entry is




    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =hostname>)(PORT = 1521))




    (SERVICE_NAME = <servername>)



  • Try to use Fully Qualified domain names for the TNS Entry like and then try to do TNSPing to the Oracle Box

    ServerName.DomainName.Com =



    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Hostname.DomainName.Com)(PORT = 1526))



    (SERVICE_NAME = ServerName.DomainName.Com)



    Try to use different combinations like

    ServerName =



    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Hostname.DomainName.Com)(PORT = 1526))



    (SERVICE_NAME = ServerName.DomainName.Com)



    ServerName =



    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Hostname)(PORT = 1526))



    (SERVICE_NAME = ServerName.DomainName.Com)



    ServerName =



    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Hostname)(PORT = 1526))



    (SERVICE_NAME = ServerName)



    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Many thanks for your input sqlbuddy. Now i have another strange problem. If i try some table from Oracle database and when i try previewing it i get error as opening a rowset for <table> failed. Check that objecst exists in the database. I tried setting properties for Dataflow task as TransactionOption = Required

    IsolationLevel = RepeatableRead instead of the default which was Transactionoption -Supported and Isloationlevel- serializable. Does anything else need to be changed? on the other hand most tables work fine without any problem. i mean i could preview the data for most of the tables..any help will be appreciated. thx

  • Hi Ishaan,

    Are you using Oracle provider for OLE DB or Microsoft OLE DB providerfor Oracle ?

    Try to use Oracle provider for OLE DB in your connection manager.

    Some times SSIS puts double quotes for the tablenames during the preview from the drop downbox.

    Check to see if you are able to preview the data using the SQL Query instead of selecting the table from the drop down box

    Type the sql like Select * from the TableName

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


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