Data manipulation

  • I have data in a table in the following format:

    FactoryID               FactoryJob


    Factory1                No1

    Factory1                No2

    Factory2                No1

    Factory3                No3

    Factory3                No4

    Factory3                No5

    and I would like the data out in the format of:

    FactoryID      FactoryJob1     FactoryJob2      FactoryJob3


    Factory1        No1              No2             NULL

    Factory2        No1              NULL            NULL

    Factory3        No3              No4             No5

    Is there an easy way to do this withouth using a cursor?



  • you might not get the same result but try this.

    Select  Factories.FactoryID,F1.FactoryJob,F2.FactoryJob,


    from ( 

     select distinct ltrim(rtrim(FactoryID)) as FactoryID from Factory) Factories

    left outer join (Select * from Factory where ltrim(rtrim(FactoryJob)) ='No1') F1 on ltrim(rtrim(Factories.FactoryID)) = ltrim(rtrim(F1.FactoryID))

    left outer join (Select * from Factory where ltrim(rtrim(FactoryJob)) ='No2') F2 on ltrim(rtrim(Factories.FactoryID)) = ltrim(rtrim(F2.FactoryID))

    left outer join (Select * from Factory where ltrim(rtrim(FactoryJob)) ='No3') F3 on ltrim(rtrim(Factories.FactoryID)) = ltrim(rtrim(F3.FactoryID))

    left outer join (Select * from Factory where ltrim(rtrim(FactoryJob)) ='No4') F4 on ltrim(rtrim(Factories.FactoryID)) = ltrim(rtrim(F4.FactoryID))

    left outer join (Select * from Factory where ltrim(rtrim(FactoryJob)) ='No5') F5 on ltrim(rtrim(Factories.FactoryID)) = ltrim(rtrim(F5.FactoryID))

  • The following link gives you a simplified version of how to do this

    And there were some other suggestions (including the above link) here





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