Data is getting deleted

  • Hi All,

    I want to thank you all for this wonderful forum and I really learned several things from the problem/solutions posted here.

    We are having a problem with our application database and the problem seems to be a little wired to me. We are using a database for our Telecommunication application. It has 40 tables. We have upgraded the database from SQL Server 2000 to SQL server 2005.We have just detached it from SQL Server 2000 and attached it to SQL Server 2005.

    The problem we are facing now is whatever new records we saved to a Particular table , it getting saved for 1/2 days then getting deleted out of nowhere. Our application has is not deleting it and it does happening only to that particular table. Other tables are fine.

    Can someone help to sort out why this is happening and how can I enable log to track events happening to that perticular table.

    Thanks in advance. Any kind of information will be appreciated by me and let me know if you need anything to get this issue.

  • First I would look at any SQL Server Agent jobs and make sure that they are not doing the deletes.

    Then you have a couple of options for tracking the deletes. A trigger on the affected table that logs the deletes and who is doing them or setting up a server-side trace with filters for activity on that specific table or database.

    You should also check security. Who has delete rights on the table? Do they really need delete rights? This is also why I, and many other DBA's on this site, only allow access via stored procedures. Then no one has the ability to delete data outside the application.

  • You can off course create a trigger for delete on that table to perform a rollback for delete statements and raise en error stating all connection info.


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  • follow the Jack instructions.

  • Dinendra Nath Dolai (11/5/2008)

    The problem we are facing now is whatever new records we saved to a Particular table , it getting saved for 1/2 days then getting deleted out of nowhere. Our application has is not deleting it and it does happening only to that particular table. Other tables are fine.

    SQL does not and will not randomly delete data on its own. If data is been deleted then some process is deleting it.

    Is there perhaps a cascading delete to this table?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • Thanks for the instant replies. I am absolutely agree with GilaMonster. Some application is doing the deletion and what I have to do is to get some information which application is doing that.

    However I will also follow Jack's and ALZDBA's suggestions to prevent the deletion of data and also to trace the source of deletion.

    Thanks again and I will update you as per.

  • starting a SQLTrace will also help to determine the source of your deletes.


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  • Hi,

    just so i know - do you guys think it possible that an open transaction getting rolled back on the table might be a reason for this kind of delete to occur?

    lets say someone opening a transaction but not comitting it, and then in the evening he/she shuts down his client - closing the connection and forcing the rollback?


    Best regards

  • Karl Klingler (11/7/2008)


    just so i know - do you guys think it possible that an open transaction getting rolled back on the table might be a reason for this kind of delete to occur?

    No. If there's a transaction left open then the rows inserted would remain locked and anyone else trying to read them would be blocked (unless running read uncommitted isolation level). Also you'd notice growth of the transaction log because the log backups wouldn't be able to truncate the log due to the open transaction.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
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