Data for past one week

  • Does anyone have a sql which would select data for past one week and the date is defined as string type.


  • Something like this...

    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE DateDiff(Day, MyDateField, getdate()) <=7

    You might need some casting on the MyDateField. Post the exact format of the string if you can't work it out yourself.

  • Thanks so much. How about getting the data for last wk ? TIA

  • Sorry i meant to say what if i want to get data for week before the current week.


  • SELECT ...

    FROM ...

    WHERE myCol >= DATEADD(dd, -7 + -DATEPART(dw,getdate()), CONVERT(char(8),getdate(),112))

    AND myCol < DATEADD(dd, 1 + -DATEPART(dw,getdate()), CONVERT(char(8),getdate(),112))

    This should capture the previous weeks end points dynamically, and also allows you to avoid using functions on the table columns, so you can index it.

    NOTE: Assumes your week is Sunday to Saturday


  • Remember to look at your

    SET DATEFIRST and @@DATEFIRST. Do not assume

    Sunday - Saturday weeks in SQL.

    Also Try DateDiff(wk, ...

    instead of DateDiff(day, ...) ... 7

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

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