Data flow task

  • Hi all,

    A project that has a EXECUTION task that create a table called "dbo.MyNewtable"

    After that runs it calls a dataflow object which contains the following.

    1 - Source database(which is table in a db on server x)

    2 - Destination databse(which I want to set sa "dbo.MyNewtable" which still hasn't been created)

    How do set the the destination to my table?



    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • I would just create the table for developemnt and create all the mappings. Your 1st step should then drop and recreate the table while executing.



  • If you have created the table for development, why drop and recreate it everytime? I'd change the create to truncate the existing table.


  • Do I need to the create in the OLEDB DAtasource object as well as the EXEXUTION TASK, which is before the Dataflow?



    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Yes create the Execute SQL task before your Data flow that will truncate the table.

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