Data Conversion NULL to Date

  • Hi,

    I have a staging table with a column called WADAT. There I have string

    dates like '22.05.2009' and empty strings. I am using a derived column

    expression to convert the empty strings to null values.

    LEN(TRIM(WADAT)) == 0 ? (DT_STR,1,1252)NULL(DT_STR,1,1252) : TRIM


    No I want to convert these values to date values. In the convertion

    task I get the error

    ... The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of

    data ...

    Please Help...


  • I don't know what your regional date settings are, but I'm going to assume that the Data Conversion component doesn't like the periods (.) in your date string.

    Changing your Derived Column expression to

    LEN(RTRIM(WADAT)) == 0 ? (DT_STR,1,1252)NULL(DT_STR,1,1252) : SUBSTRING(WADAT,1,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING(WADAT,4,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING(WADAT,7,4)


    LEN(RTRIM(WADAT)) == 0 ? (DT_STR,1,1252)NULL(DT_STR,1,1252) : REPLACE(WADAT,".","/")

    will work.

  • The problem is that I have another column where I have no empty values and it works. Strange thing...

  • You're using 2 different string lengths in your expression. Your NULL condition uses a 1-character string, but the WADAT column would be larger than that since '22.05.2009' is a possible value. You'll want to change the NULL part of your expression to reflect the length of the column named WADAT. If it is a 50-character column, for example, you'd replace this part of your expression:


    ... with the following...




  • So, tested it with a simple staging table one varchar(50) column with just two values, one empty value and one date as varchar. Import into a table with one date column with derived column expression and data conversion to date. It works :-(. So it seems that there is some invalid data in my staging table. At the moment no idea how to fix this.

  • Next step was to import the single date column of the flat file into this simple staging table. Loaded the staging data over derived colun and data conversion into the simple base table. It works again. I am getting crazy...:w00t:

  • If you suspect bad data in your staging table, check to see if there are any non-null, non-empty values that are invalid dates:

    SELECT DISTINCT [DateColumnName]

    FROM [StagingTable]

    WHERE [DateColumnName] IS NOT NULL

    AND LEN([DateColumnName]) > 0

    AND ISDATE([DateColumnName]) 1

    This should return a list of distinct values that cannot be converted to a date.



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