Data between 2 timestamps

  • Hi,

    I need to generate a report between 2 timestamps in specific intervals.

    For e.g. I have to show data for 1 hour in 5 min interval.

    StartTime : 2007-10-07 08:23:08.467 (starttime is passed as one of the params with the duration (here 1 hour)

    EndTime: 2007-10-07 09:23:08.467

    I need to show reults like this

    0 2007-10-07 08:23:08.467

    0 2007-10-07 08:24:08.467

    0 2007-10-07 08:25:08.467

    0 2007-10-07 08:26:08.467

    0 2007-10-07 08:27:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:28:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:29:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:30:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:31:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:32:08.467







    I am able to achieve this with the help of a temp table(tmpTable) where i am storing these intervals with starttime and endtime as 2 columns (each with 5 min interval).

    tmpStarttime tmpEndtime

    0 2007-10-07 08:23:08.467 2007-10-07 08:27:08.467

    5 2007-10-07 08:27:08.467 2007-10-07 08:31:08.467




    I am passing these 2 timestamps in the query where i am actually fecthing the data.

    select tmptable.tmpinterval,table.starttime from

    table join tmpTable

    on startime between tmpstarttime and tmpendtime

    I would like to know is theren any way where i can get this resultset with the help of a query itself rahter thn having a temp table.some set based approach.

    Thanks in advance.


  • I assume the lowest interval you want to get is minute.

    SELECT DATEDIFF(mi, starttime, endtime) FROM Table

    DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )

    Returns the number of date and time boundaries crossed between two specified dates.

    second = ss

    minute = mi

    Hour = hh

    Both startdate and enddate had to be DATETIME or SMALLDATETIME format.

  • If you have a Number or Tally table, you can generate a list of time values very easily. My Tally table column is Num and the values start at 0. The following will generate a list of 5-minute datetime values starting at starttime and ending at endtime.

    [Code]declare @StartTime datetime,

    @EndTime datetime;

    select @StartTime = '2007-10-07 08:23:08.467',

    @EndTime = '2007-10-07 09:23:08.467';

    select DateAdd( mi, Num * 5, @StartTime ) as IntervalStart,

    DateAdd( mi, (Num+1) * 5, @StartTime ) as IntervalEnd

    from Utility..Tally

    where DateAdd( mi, Num * 5, @StartTime ) < @EndTime;


    You can then join this output with your table of interest and pull out what you want, all in one statement.

    [Code]select t.IntervalStart, t.IntervalEnd, d.whatever

    from datatable d

    join (

    select DateAdd( mi, Num * 5, @StartTime ) as IntervalStart,

    DateAdd( mi, (Num+1) * 5, @StartTime ) as IntervalEnd

    from Utility..Tally

    where DateAdd( mi, Num * 5, @StartTime ) < @EndTime

    ) t

    on d.TimeCol between t.IntervalStart and t.IntervalEnd;[/Code]

    If you don't have a Tally table, it is just a table with one integer column with sequential values from 0 (or 1) to some arbitrary maximum (mine is 32767. Why 32767? No particular reason. I just like round numbers.:P)).

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

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