Data Archiviing

  • I have a database with 600 GB MDF file.Its is use for MOM Alerts.I want to archive the old data and should remove it from the database.Kindly suggest a gud method to archive it

  • 1-Identity the transaction tables

    2-Identity the relationships of tables

    You should write store procedure for each table and in each store procedure you will write a transaction its depend upon you how much data will be archive ,here I am generating the example script for the 1 month data archive and I am creating a log table for this archive procedure

    Archive log table name is : ArchiveLog

    Begin transaction

    Select *

    from tab1

    where datecolumn < getdate() - 30

    select @count=count(*) from

    from tab1

    where datecolumn < getdate() - 30

    If @@Error > 0


    rollback transaction;

    Insert into archivelog(totalrecords,tablename,getdate(),status,errormessage)





    commit transaction;

    delete from tab1 where datacolumn < getdate() - 30

    Insert into archivelog(totalrecords,tablename,getdate(),status,errormessage)



    and schedule these all Store procedure in SQL Server Agent job step wise as your requirement,same procedure for the relationship table which one using the tab1 table id as a foreign key

    so find the required Id in the tab1 table and then delete from the foreign key table,I can define more clearly if I have definitions of tables

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

  • Usually the archival policy applies to few highly transactional table within a database, most of the time they have a column which can be used to sequence the rows that were inserted e.g an identity column or a timestamp.

    You need to finalize the retention policy as to how many records would actually be required to maintain day to day operations.

    These records would need to go into the archival table which is actually a replica of the original table minus any constraints.

    Records older than the ones which qualify for archival should be deleted.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • How you handle your old records will probably be dependent on your business needs. For example will you need access to the old data at some point in the future and if so how readily available does it need to be?

    Identifying the records should be pretty simple, pick a date and find the records older than that date but you'll have to decide what to do with the data. which could be anything from simply deleting the records to storing them in a different DB or exporting them to a flat file and saving that somewhere.

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