cxpacket Lock

  • Hi !

    We are getting CXPACKET lock (WAITTYPE) and EXCHANGE lock (waittype ). Still I don't what queries causing the this lock . If you know how to find the queries when i get this problem please let me know.

    Also I came to know from Microsoft website they have fix for SQL SERVER 2000 but this happening on SQL SERVER 7.0 .if you know if there is fix , Please let me know .

    Now I know I have to see sysprocesses and syslock tables . If could tell exactly what I shoudld look for that will be great.

    Any help and detail suggestion will be appreciated .

    server information

    OS NT 4.0

    SQL SERVER 7.0 SP4



  • It looks like your qurey is running in parallel.

  • As said I am not able find the queties which causing the probelm . I know this errror occur when queries run parallel on SMP syustem . We have two processor on this system. Anyway thanks for reply and let me know if any one of you know more about this issue

  • Try dbcc inputbuffer if you know the spid.

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