Customised Select Statement

  • i need to retrieve a resultant set which includes only those columns which are entirely non zero.. the foll ex should explain what i need

    UserId    TradeId    Trade       Start Value    End Value

    001        101         Citibank    10.0              0.0 

    001        102         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    001        103         HDFC       11.0              0.0

    001        104         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    002        105         Citibank    10.0              09.0

    003        106         Citibank    10.0              10.0

    002        107         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    now if i query for userid '001' it should return only those cols for which all values are not 0.0.. it should look like

    UserId    TradeId    Trade       Start Value

    001        101         Citibank    10.0          

    001        102         Citibank    10.0          

    001        103         HDFC       11.0           

    001        104         Citibank    10.0           

    but when i query for '003' it should show all coz no column is 0.0

    UserId    TradeId    Trade       Start Value    End Value

    003        106         Citibank    10.0              10.0

    also since for '002' no column is all 0.0 it should display all columns

    UserId    TradeId    Trade       Start Value    End Value

    002        105         Citibank    10.0              09.0

    002        107         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    what i am currently using makes a temp table at runtime depending upon the null value columns and uses that runtime created table to display the results.. it was working fine but the moment the user limit reaches around 50 the query and retrieve time goes for a toss with CPU usage reaching around 98-99%

    is there any query based solution for this type of a situation which retrieves selective fields

  • is there any query based solution for this type of a situation which retrieves selective fields

    I can't think of any. This is normally an issue that should be solved by the client application, but I am guessing there is no client app here other than maybe some report showing the bare resultset returned by the proc? If you are using Excel or something you can try using VBA to get the result and do this processing (excluding columns) client-side before showing the results.

  • Try this

    Declare @userid int

    Set @userid=001     -- Some UserId

    Select UserId, TradeId,


      When Exists (Select * From Bank Where (StartValue =0  And EndValue = 0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade

      When Exists (Select * From Bank Where (StartValue =0  And EndValue <>0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade,EndValue

      When Exists (Select * From Bank Where (StartValue <>0 And EndValue = 0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade,StartValue

      Else Trade,StartValue,EndValue


    From Bank

    Where UserId=@UserId

  • well venku009, i already have something similar to that running.. but my issue is that the this sample table has 5 columns... wherein the place i want to implement it has 39 table.. which means around 39 round trips/queires to teh database.... now for a few users it is fine but the expected user hit ratio seems to be around 150-200 which is killing the cpu and raising the load time to 450-500 secs for displaying the page...

    i am using SQL Server 2000 with a classic ASP frontend and need a solution which will help me reduce load / query time on the database...

  • My assumption says that you are joining all the tables and placing the data into a temp table at runtime in a stored procedure(sp). If its true, and you are playing the above query on the temp table and even then your query is slow, then try using exec dynamic statement. Stream your query to exec statement.  Like

    Declare @userid int,@Str Varchar(8000)

    Set @userid=001     -- Some UserId

    Set @STR = '

    Select UserId, TradeId,


      When Exists (Select * From #Bank Where (StartValue =0  And EndValue = 0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade

      When Exists (Select * From #Bank Where (StartValue =0  And EndValue <>0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade,EndValue

      When Exists (Select * From #Bank Where (StartValue <>0 And EndValue = 0) And (UserId=@UserId))  Then Trade,StartValue

      Else Trade,StartValue,EndValue


    From #Bank

    Where UserId = ' + Convert(VarChar(6),@UserId)

    Exec (@Str)


  • its a solution definately better than mine.. i had a colleague who came up with a solution which benchmarked faster and more load taking capacitythan our solutions... the logic was to retrieve the main resultset

    UserId    TradeId    Trade       Start Value    End Value

    001        101         Citibank    10.0              0.0 

    001        102         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    001        103         HDFC       11.0              0.0

    001        104         Citibank    10.0              0.0

    and get the sum of the individual columns... i.e @totc1 = sum(c1), @totsumc2 = sum (c2), .....

    after that generate/concat a query after checking the conditions if the column has to be included or not depending if the sum is 0 and execute the new generated query..

    this reduces the time and load as the matching is done on a resultant set and there are only 2 queries to the database for a particular report display.. it excludes the complete overhead of the temp table or multiple querying to the database.....

    Thanks a lot both of you for your inputs !!!

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