July 25, 2008 at 9:20 am
Can anyone help me make a function that will take a string, remove noise words listed in a table, add matching words from a thesaurus table, and output the words separated by a space?
July 25, 2008 at 2:19 pm
Have you tried anything yourself?
Have you progressed any?
Can you give us more details?
July 25, 2008 at 7:02 pm
Please follow the link in the signature box and follow the instructions so as to present a question such that it will assist people who are more than willing to assist you
July 28, 2008 at 4:49 am
sql_er (7/25/2008)
Have you tried anything yourself?Have you progressed any?
Can you give us more details?
Sorry for the lack of detail, it was the end of a long frustrated week where I made little progress...its amazing what some sleep can do!
This morning I found this: http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-329694.html
It showed an example of how to remove noise words from a string. I was able to create this:
CREATE function [dbo].[fn_thesaurus](@str varchar(200))
returns varchar(200) as begin
declare @txt varchar(200) declare
@t table(word varchar(50))
--Split search text into words - space separator
insert @t(word) select value from
dbo.fn_Split(@str,' ')
--insert thesaurus words
insert @t(word) select synonyms from tblThesaurus inner join @t on word = tblThesaurus.product_name
--remove original word that matached the thesaurus word
delete from @t from @t t join
tblThesaurus s (nolock) on t.word = s.product_name
--remove noise words by joining to noise table
delete from @t from @t t join
tblNoise s (nolock) on t.word=s.noiseword
--reassemble string
SELECT @txt = COALESCE(@txt +' ','') + word FROM @t SELECT @txt
return @txt end
It takes the string, adds matching thesaurus words, removes the matched word, and removes any noise words.
My main search function will add the quotes and "AND" depending on the search being carried out. This was simpler than I imagined, but since I have never create a function before I thought it was going to be much harder.
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