Custom Job schedule

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to create a custom job schedule for a job in management studio.

    I have a job which needs to run every 5th day of the month, however if the 5th falls on the weekend I want it to run on the following Monday. The job schedule in management studio does not have any option to cater for this, so I was wondering is there a way to create a custom schedule based on T sql.


  • I would schedule the job to run every day, and if it's an 'invalid' day then exit the job, and if it's a 'valid' day, actually do the work you intend to do.

    declare @ValidRunDate bit

    set @ValidRunDate = 0

    if( --== Is it the 5th, and a weekday? ==--

    datepart(dd, getdate()) = 5 and

    datename(dw, getdate()) not in ('Saturday', 'Sunday')



    set @ValidRunDate = 1


    if( --== Was last Sunday the 5th? ==--

    datepart(dd, dateadd(dd, -1, getdate())) = 5 and

    datename(dw, getdate()) = 'Monday'



    ( --== Was last Saturday the 5th? ==--

    datepart(dd, dateadd(dd, -2, getdate())) = 5 and

    datename(dw, getdate()) = 'Monday'



    set @ValidRunDate = 1


    if @ValidRunDate = 0

    begin --== Nothing to do today ==--



    if @ValidRunDate = 1


    print 'Your code goes here'


    - Jeff

  • Thanks!

    How do I fire the job off if the validdate is true?

  • Whatever the job does, stick that code in the final Begin-End block where I have "Your Code Goes Here".

    It'll only actually execute when it meets the date criteria.

    Another route would be to have 2 jobs, one that runs the daily check for the valid date, and if so, runs:

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'Your Job'

    - Jeff

  • Top Stuff, really helpful


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