
  • Hi,

    I was wondering if someone has an explanation for this. 

    We got a following error on the process that's been working fine for months:

    SQL Err Number:  16943 

    SQL Err Message: Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared.

    The cursor that it's referring to is operating on the local temp table (#MyTable).  The purpose of the cursor is to identify records that have identical phone number, keep the 1st records and insert the other ones into the table variable.  those records are marked later as "scrubbed".

    We've tried to recreate the problem and so far had no luck.

    PS... please don't answer "Don't use cursors".  I know that.  But right now rewriting the process is not an option.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Ok, do not use cursors .

    Has someone added and index, column whatever to that table while the cursor was running?

  • nope.  the only difference was that there were a little more concurrent processes running then usual.  And that cursor uses a local temp table.  No indexes on it.

  • Hmm. Can you send the code of the procs (complete)

  • Just did.

    I appreciate your help.  Any idea in general would be appreciated.  Unfortunately, I didn't find much on this error on the web. 

  • I meant in here . I'm not the only one who needs this info to help you.

  • Here is the code.  thanks


    ALTER  PROCEDURE ecmspEliminateDuplPhones(

       @CampaignID       BIGINT,

              @RuleID           INTEGER,

              @ErrorMessage    VARCHAR(4000) OUTPUT)


      DECLARE @DuplPhoneNumber  CHAR(10)

      DECLARE @DuplPhones       TABLE (UserID BIGINT)

      DECLARE @ErrorNumber      INTEGER

      DECLARE @PhoneNumber      CHAR(10)

      DECLARE @ProcName         VARCHAR(50)

      DECLARE @ScrubReasonID    INTEGER

      DECLARE @StatusScrubbed   INTEGER

      DECLARE @TimeStamp        DATETIME

      DECLARE @user-id           BIGINT


      SET     NOCOUNT ON

      /*Scrub Users that have the same phone number as a "primary" User

        The ecmspGetDuplPhoneSets stored procedure returns a cursor that

        contains Users grouped by PhoneNumber, with the "primary" User

        first and all the others immediately following.*/


      CREATE TABLE #DuplPhoneSets (

        RecordID   INTEGER IDENTITY,

        CampaignID BIGINT,

        RuleID     INTEGER,

        UserID     BIGINT)

      SET  @ProcName = 'GetDuplPhoneSets'

      EXEC @ErrorNumber = dbo.ecmspGetDuplPhoneSets @CampaignID, @RuleID,

                            @ErrorMessage OUTPUT

      IF (@ErrorNumber = 0)


        SET @ScrubReasonID  = dbo.ecmfnScrubReasonID('DUP_PHONE_NUMBER')

        SET @StatusScrubbed = dbo.ecmfnStatusID('USER', 'SCRUBBED')

        SET @TimeStamp      = GETDATE()

        DECLARE DuplPhoneSets CURSOR FOR

          SELECT s.UserID, u.PhoneNumber

          FROM   #DuplPhoneSets s INNER JOIN

                 Users u ON s.UserID = u.UserID

          ORDER BY s.RecordID ASC

        OPEN DuplPhoneSets

        SET @ErrorNumber = @@ERROR

        IF (@ErrorNumber <> 0)

          SET @ErrorMessage = 'Cannot open Cursor on #DuplPhoneSets Temporary Table'

        /*Now, iterate through all the Users and insert the scrubbed Users

          into the @DuplPhones TABLE variable*/


        FETCH NEXT FROM DuplPhoneSets INTO @user-id, @PhoneNumber

        WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


          IF (@PhoneNumber = IsNull(@DuplPhoneNumber, ''))

            INSERT INTO @DuplPhones





            SET @DuplPhoneNumber  = @PhoneNumber

          FETCH NEXT FROM DuplPhoneSets INTO @user-id, @PhoneNumber



        CLOSE DuplPhoneSets

        DEALLOCATE DuplPhoneSets



        SET    StatusID        = @StatusScrubbed,

               ScrubReasonID   = @ScrubReasonID,

               Modified        = @TimeStamp

        FROM   Users u WITH (INDEX (ix_Users_CampaignID_ScrubReasonID))

               INNER JOIN

               @DuplPhones s ON u.UserID = s.UserID

        WHERE  (u.CampaignID = @CampaignID) AND (u.ScrubReasonID IS NULL)


        SET @ErrorNumber = @@ERROR



      IF (@ErrorNumber <> 0)


        IF (@ProcName IS NOT NULL)

          EXEC ecmspInsertLoggedMessages @CampaignID,

                      @RuleID      = @RuleID,

                      @ProcName    = @ProcName,

                      @ErrorNumber = @ErrorNumber,

                      @MessageText = @ErrorMessage

        SET @ErrorMessage = 'Cannot eliminate Duplicate Phones'

        EXEC ecmspInsertLoggedMessages @CampaignID,

                      @RuleID      = @RuleID,

                      @ProcName    = 'EliminateDuplPhones',

                      @ErrorNumber = @ErrorNumber,

                      @MessageText = @ErrorMessage

        EXEC ecmspUpdateRuleStatus @CampaignID, @RuleID, 'FAILURE'



        EXEC ecmspUpdateRuleStatus @CampaignID, @RuleID, 'SUCCESS'



      RETURN @ErrorNumber







  • As the users table been modified in any way recently (that means anyone running any script, or even pressing save in EM even when it seems no changes were made).

    Are you sure not???

    That's the only way (I know) to cause this error.

  • ROWLOCK is being used.  Might there be a conflict if another is altering the record that the cursor is currently trying to update? 

    Otherwise, I agree with Remi.  I have, (early when I was learning about Cursors) altered a #TempTable during the Cursor running and that is the only time I have seen that error as well... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Hmm.  There is one process that drops the triggers and then recreates them.

    Could that be it?


  • That's it... there's a refference to the trigger in the table's row of sysobjects, hence modifying the table (however slightly). Try running both at the same time to see if you get the same error.

    I'd also try to simple user Alter trigger instead of drop/create.

  • are awesome!!!

    I got that same error message using pubs when I tried to disable triggers while the cursor was open.  Now I just have to recreate that problem in our test environment.



  • HTH.

    This is where it pays to know the systables by heart (almost) .

  • Please tell us if you can avoid the problem using alter instead of drop/create.

  • it's actually using ALTER TABLE <MyTable> DISABLE TRIGGER ALL.

    Dropping the trigger caused the same error as ALTER.

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