Cursor within a UDF

  • You could also try the ITVF version:

    CREATE Table dnszone (

    alias varchar(50),

    dnsname varchar(50)


    INSERT INTO dnszone

    SELECT '', ''



    UNION ALL SELECT '', '';


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[alias2dnsname] (

    @alias NVARCHAR(50)




    RETURN (

    WITH zones AS (

    SELECT dnsname

    FROM dnszone

    WHERE alias = @alias


    SELECT B.dnsname

    FROM zones AS A

    INNER JOIN dnszone AS B

    ON A.dnsname = B.alias


    SELECT dnsName =


    STUFF (


    SELECT ',' + dnsName AS [text()]

    FROM zones

    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 1, SPACE(0))

    , @alias)



    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.[alias2dnsname]('')

    Scalar functions are generally slower than their table counterpart.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Oh nice, yes - definitely use that over the scalar.

    I've not yet had the "pleasure" of using FOR XML in the wild.

  • Ehm... my function doesn't seem to return the correct results.

    Let me work on it a bit.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Pffft - I always said FOR XML was rubbish 😉

  • i think i'm going back to cursors.

    do you have any idea why my first solution returns a null?

  • Why? You have a working solution and someone working on an improved solution.

  • Well... go on then 😉 i'm working on a solution as well 🙂

    hey wait... i still have to test your last solution 😛

  • This seems to do the trick:

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[alias2dnsname] (

    @alias NVARCHAR(50)




    RETURN (

    WITH zones AS (

    SELECT dnsname, alias

    FROM dnszone AS A

    WHERE A.alias = @alias


    SELECT B.dnsname, B.alias

    FROM zones AS A

    INNER JOIN dnszone AS B

    ON A.dnsname = B.alias


    SELECT dnsName =


    STUFF (


    SELECT ',' + dnsName AS [text()]

    FROM zones

    WHERE ISNUMERIC(LEFT(alias,1)) = 0

    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 1, SPACE(0))

    , @alias)


    I don't know if the sort order of the tokens matters. If it is so, I suppose it should be the recursion level, that can't be captured, making my code quite useless.

    Anyway this is the best I could come up with.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I think this is not a problem that can be solved with a set based programming language. Gianluca, your solution doesn't work. Returns the correct values for but fails for all the others.

    As the table gets populated via java, i'm going to have the parser modified on my needs.

    Thanks guys 😉

  • OK, looks like I've got it working:

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[alias2dnsname] (

    @alias NVARCHAR(50)




    RETURN (

    WITH zones AS (

    SELECT dnsname, alias

    FROM dnszone AS A

    WHERE A.alias = @alias


    SELECT B.dnsname, B.alias

    FROM zones AS A

    INNER JOIN dnszone AS B

    ON A.dnsname = B.alias


    SELECT dnsName =


    STUFF (


    SELECT ',' + dnsName AS [text()]

    FROM zones

    WHERE dnsname NOT IN (

    SELECT alias

    FROM zones


    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 1, SPACE(0))

    , @alias)



    SELECT '', *

    FROM dbo.alias2dnsname('')


    SELECT '', *

    FROM dbo.alias2dnsname('')


    SELECT '', *

    FROM dbo.alias2dnsname('')

    There's ALWAYS a set-based solution.

    BTW, this is not a pure set-bases solution, because this is based on a recursive CTE, that is hidden RBAR.

    Anyway, it seems to work. 🙂

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Brilliant!!!


    works like a charm

  • It took me a while to get it to work...

    Thanks for the feedback, glad it works for you.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • and it's going to take me quite some time to adapt it to real tables and rules (as i mentioned, i proposed here a simplified version) but this is something i want to do on my own.

    Gianluca, if you see fit, would you please explain a bit how the select on the CTE works? 😉

  • WITH zones AS (

    SELECT dnsname, alias

    FROM dnszone AS A

    WHERE A.alias = @alias


    SELECT B.dnsname, B.alias

    FROM zones AS A

    INNER JOIN dnszone AS B

    ON A.dnsname = B.alias


    SELECT *

    FROM zones

    This is a recursive CTE. It selects all the rows that match @alias, then it gets unioned with the recursive query, in this case all rows in dnszone that match the predicate dnszone.alias = zones.dnsname, with zones as the CTE itself.

    The recursive query gets repeated until it returns no rows or MAXRECURSION gets reached.

    If you get in trouble with the "real" query, you can post another thread or keep posting on this one.

    If you don't want to post real production code on a forum, you can drop me a PM.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Well..i know how recursive CTEs work 😀

    i am interested in the select on the rCTE.

    Anyway... now it works on the real problem as well 😉

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