cursor with session

  • Hi,

    I am using cursor in my application for data replication.

    Sometimes I receive error that cursor is already open.

    I am opening ,closing and deallocating cursor properly.

    My question is , is there any way that cursor name may bind with session Id etc. So that for every new connection in parallel, I may not receive cursor already open error?

    I am declaring cursor in the following way


    SELECT cc.colorid

    FROM dbo.tblColor cc


  • from a SQL server perspective, cursor declarations are session specific(unless you are using the DECLARE cursor_name myCursor GLOBAL syntax);

    so it's very likely that an error is occuring sometimes and the code is bailing out without closing and deallocating your cursor.

    if you track down that error, that would fix your issue right away.

    can you post your cursor code for a little peer review? we can probably help eliminiate the cursor completely, instead of jsut fixing the cursor.


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  • quite possible an error in the processing section causing the script to exit your cursor However the cursor is not closed and not deallocated within the session therefore the next execution you get your error, i have experienced this my self when working with cursors.

    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • thank you all.

    problem resolved by adding Local to cursor declaration. I assume that by default cursor declaration is locl.


    SELECT cc.colorid

    FROM dbo.tblColor cc

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