Cursor sum(transactions) between dates

  • Hi all,

    I am new and trying to grasp programming a little more than just database management.  I have a new billing project that I'm working on to where I want to sum the total transactions from a print table and bill on a monthly basis.  I have the dates delcared and set up, but I am not sure how to start a cursor so that I can bill individuals based on the date stamp.  In my transaction a persons id is written to that table each time they print along with an amount.  What I want is student1 has 11 transactions between a certain date, student 2 has 50, etc.  How would I begin a cursor to fetch each student and the total amount charged during a specific time.  I will show you the date range......


    DECLARE @dt2 VARCHAR(10)

    declare @dt3 datetime

    declare @dt4 datetime

    set @dt=(select CAST(LEFT(GETDATE()-DAY(GETDATE())+1,11) AS datetime))

    set @dt2=(select REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @dt, 101), '/', '') AS datetime)

    set @dt3 = dateadd(mm, -1, @dt)

    set @dt4 = dateadd(dd, -1, @dt3)



         'CPCG', 'UNI_FEED', (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse)*-1, @dt2, 'UNI00065'

    from users


    (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) < -0.10

    and @dt between @dt4 and @dt

    and type = 'user'

    and group_id = '35192'


    The "select" stamt is ran against a table where I will have to join b/c I bill to where the (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) < -0.10.  I uses to bill only once a semester and the select stmt worked fine.  However, the "users" table datetime is in hex so I can't use that table.

    Any help in getting this started would be greatly appreciated.

  • This is something what I was trying to do.  Again, the sum(transactions) is where I'm confused.  Am I on the right track?


    DECLARE @dt2 VARCHAR(10)

    declare @dt3 datetime

    declare @dt4 datetime

    declare @student_id int,

    declare @student_bal money,

    declare @facstaff_id int,

    declare @facstaff_bal money

    set @dt=(select CAST(LEFT(GETDATE()-DAY(GETDATE())+1,11) AS datetime))

    set @dt2=(select REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @dt, 101), '/', '') AS datetime)

    set @dt3 = dateadd(mm, -1, @dt)

    set @dt4 = dateadd(dd, -1, @dt3)

    declare billing_cursor for

    select p.card_id, sum(t.transactions)

    from people p, transactions t

    where =

    and (p.technology_purse +p. tuition_purse + p.user_purse) < -0.10

    and @dt between @dt4 and @dt

    and p.type = 'user'

    and p.group_id = '35192'

    for read only

    ****How would I sum(transaction)

    open billing_cursor

    fetch NEXT FROM billing_cursor

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    Fetch next from billing_cursor


    close billing_cursor

    deallocate billing_cursor

    ** do I need a temp table to update?

    **Now if @dt IN (1, 6, 8)

    select @student_bal = balance from acu_start_balance where acu_group = 'student'

      select @facstaff_bal = balance from acu_start_balance where acu_group = 'facstaff'

      select @student_id = user_id from people where id = 'student' and type = 'Group'

      update people_balances set people_balances.user_purse = @student_bal from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id  and p.group_id=@student_id and p.type='User'

      update people_balances set people_balances.tuition_purse = 0 from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id  and p.group_id=@student_id and p.type='User'

      update people_balances set people_balances.technology_purse = 0 from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id  and p.group_id=@student_id and p.type='User'

      select @facstaff_id = user_id from people where id = 'faculty_staff' and type = 'Group'

      update people_balances set people_balances.user_purse = @facstaff_bal from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id and p.group_id=@facstaff_id and p.type='User'

      update people_balances set people_balances.tuition_purse = 0 from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id and p.group_id=@facstaff_id and p.type='User'

      update people_balances set people_balances.technology_purse = 0 from people_balances, people p where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id and p.group_id=@facstaff_id and p.type='User'

    Else end


  • If you are new to SQL, and find yourself wanting to write a cursor to sum things, its time to take a step back from the SQL code editor and go do some reading.

    If you continue with a cursor solution, you will be completely missing some of the fundamental aspects of a set-based language like SQL. And you will create a difficult to maintain code-monster that perfroms several orders of magnitude worse than the correct set-based solution.

    If you're trying to sum() something BY a certain column or columns, you use SQL aggregates and add a GROUP BY to the query.

    Simple example:

    Select StudentID, Sum(Transactions)

    From SomeTable

    Group By StudentID


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