Cursor repeats row

  • I have a Cursor that is repeating the last row it finds. When I run the select statement that the "Declare Cursor For" has I only get 15 rows. But when I run the below statement I get 16 rows with the last one repeated.

    Anyone have a suggestion?

    Why would the last one repeat?

    Seems like the general opionion is to not use Cursors. Anyone have a suggestion as to what I could use in place of this?

    Declare @bill_ID int

    Declare Bill_Cursor Cursor for

    select id from v_View a JOIN t_Table b on a.bill_id = b.Id and entered > '2006-06-01 00:00:00'

    open Bill_CURSOR

    fetch next from Bill_CURSOR into @Bill_ID

    Print @Bill_ID

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    fetch next from Bill_CURSOR into @Bill_ID

    Print @Bill_ID


    close Bill_CURSOR

    deallocate BIll_CURSOR

  • What are you planning to do with the cursor? the above can be substituted for nothing at all.

    * Noel

  • Noel,

    THanks for the response. I'm generating a list of Bill_IDs that are from the view. With this list I am going to autogenerate invoices and email these customers. I will execute an SP that will create and email the invoice for each Bill_ID that is in that list.

  • Your 15th trip throught the while loop gets a row and prints.  Your net loop through doesn't get a row and setus the status, but you print regardless so it looks like you're getting the last row twice.  You need a check for fetch_status befor the print.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • If the purpose is to send emails and you are planing to use xp_sendmail for that you will need the cursor!


    Like David said change the position of your print statement in the While loop

     Declare @bill_ID int

    Declare Bill_Cursor Cursor for

    select id from v_View a JOIN t_Table b on a.bill_id = b.Id and entered > '2006-06-01 00:00:00'

    open Bill_CURSOR

    fetch next from Bill_CURSOR into @Bill_ID

    -- Print @Bill_ID

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    Print @Bill_ID

    fetch next from Bill_CURSOR into @Bill_ID


    close Bill_CURSOR

    deallocate BIll_CURSOR


    * Noel

  • Removing the first print command and moving the second like you said Noel worked. I'm gonna have to play around with cursors a little more. Thanks all for the responses.

  • you can use a table variable

    DECLARE @RowCount BIGINT --tracker

    DECLARE @RecCount BIGINT --record counter

    Declare @bill_ID bigint




    , bill_ID [BIGINT] NOT NULL


    Insert into @tbl

    select id from v_View a JOIN t_Table b on a.bill_id = b.Id and entered > '2006-06-01 00:00:00'

    --get count of records

    select @RecCount = count(*)

    from @tbl

    SELECT @RowCount = 0

    WHILE @RowCount <= @RecCount


    SELECT@bill_ID = bill_ID


    WHEREref = @RowCount

    Print str(@Bill_ID)

    SELECT@RowCount = @RowCount + 1


    Everything you can imagine is real.

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