Cursor or the While loop?

  • I have a problem which is the best to implement by declaring a cursor or a while loop, in terms of optimization purposes.  Thanks to whatever responses have been made to this post of mine.

  • Can you expand a bit on what your problem is? Many people here try to avoid cursors as much as possible, for performance reasons, but sometimes you just have to use them.

    Depending on your problem, if you can implement WHILE logic while retaining set-based (rather than record-by-record based (as in a cursor)) operations, you will probably end up with better performance.


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Actually I coded already the declare cursor and here's the code:

    DECLARE cursor TotalCursor FOR SELECT OptioneeKey, OfferingPeriodKey

                    FROM WT_Total_Purchases

    OPEN TotalCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM TotalCursor

    INTO @intOptioneekey, @intOfferingPeriod



    SET @dtmMinDate = (SELECT min(create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT

               WHERE optioneekey = @intOptioneekey

               AND offeringperiodkey = @intOfferingPeriod

               AND eventkey IS NULL)

    SET @dtmMaxDate = (SELECT max(create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT

               WHERE optioneekey = @intOptioneekey

               AND offeringperiodkey = @intOfferingPeriod

               AND eventkey IS NULL)

    UPDATE WT_Total_Purchases

    SET MinDate = @dtmMinDate,

      MaxDate = @dtmMaxDate

    WHERE optioneekey = @intOptioneekey

     AND offeringperiodkey = @intOfferingPeriod

    FETCH NEXT FROM TotalCursor

    INTO @intOptioneekey, @intOfferingPeriod


    CLOSE TotalCursor

    DEALLOCATE TotalCursor


    Thanks Phil!...

  • Hi Maria, had a quick look at this and I think it can be re-coded, without needing a cursor and using fewer lines of code. However, no time at the moment - deadlines etc. Will respond again later if no one else gets here first.


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Hi. Here's one I got off of a while back and have used variations of it many times. Personally I avoid cursors as much as possible because SQL Server is a set based environment and was not really designed to use them well. Ken Henderson (Guru's Guide to Transact SQL), among many others, concurs with this.

    Here's the code:

    /***************** Begin code **********************/

    /* SQL Server Cursorless Cursor */

    /* */

    declare @RowCnt int

    declare @MaxRows int

    declare @Email nvarchar(255)

    select @RowCnt = 1

    declare @Import table


    rownum int IDENTITY (1, 1) Primary key NOT NULL ,

    Email nvarchar(255)


    insert into @Import (Email) values ('')

    insert into @Import (Email) values ('')

    select @MaxRows=count(*) from @Import

    while @RowCnt <= @MaxRows


    select @rc=0

    select @Email = Email

    from @Import

    where rownum = @RowCnt

    print @Email

    Select @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1


    /******************* end code ************/

    G. Milner

  • Hi Maria

    Something like this gets rid of the cursor and does everything in far fewer statements:

    update wtp

    set MinDate = (SELECT min(wtf.create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf

    WHERE wtf.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

    AND wtf.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

    AND wtf.eventkey IS NULL),

    MaxDate = (SELECT max(wtf2.create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf2

    WHERE wtf2.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

    AND wtf2.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

    AND wtf2.eventkey IS NULL)

    from wt_total_purchases wtp

    Haven't tested the syntax, but should work OK - famous last words


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • What do you mean by this code?:

    MaxDate = (SELECT max(wtf2.create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf2

    WHERE wtf2.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

    AND wtf2.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

    AND wtf2.eventkey IS NULL)

    from wt_total_purchases wtp

    Anyway thanks phil!!!... This is a great help.


  • I think this should be wrote like this:

    Update wtp.MaxDate = (SELECT max(wtf2.create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf2 JOIN from wt_total_purchases wtp

    WHERE wtf2.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

    AND wtf2.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

    AND wtf2.eventkey IS NULL)

  • still wrong...


    Update wtp.MaxDate = (SELECT max(wtf2.create_dt) FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf2 JOIN wt_total_purchases wtp1

    ON wtf2.optioneekey = wtp1.Optioneekey

    AND wtf2.offeringperiodkey = wtp1.OfferingPeriod

    WHERE wtf2.eventkey IS NULL) FROM wt_total_purchases wtp

  • What about this....

    UPDATE wt_total_purchases

     SET MaxDate = (SELECT MAX(wtf.create_dt)

         FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf

         WHERE wtf.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

          AND wtf.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

          AND wtf.eventkey IS NULL),

     MinDate = (SELECT MIN(wtf2.create_dt)

         FROM WT_ESPP_FACT wtf2

         WHERE wtf2.optioneekey = wtp.Optioneekey

          AND wtf2.offeringperiodkey = wtp.OfferingPeriod

          AND wtf2.eventkey IS NULL)

    FROM wt_total_purchases wtp


    Anders Dæmroen

  • Slight modification from table variable example:


    declare @Import table


     rownum int IDENTITY (1, 1) Primary key NOT NULL ,

     Email nvarchar(255)


    insert into





    insert into






     @RowCnt int,

     @MaxRows int,

     @Email nvarchar(255)

    --this way allows reuse of the table if you need to clear it and use it again

    --it also allows for the case when your table variable population is null


     @RowCnt = isnull(min(rownum),0),

     @MaxRows = isnull(max(rownum),-1)

    while @RowCnt <= @MaxRows



      @Email = Email,

      --incrementing the row counter here compresses the code

      @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1




      rownum = @RowCnt

     print @Email


    /******************* end code ************/

  • Thanks Anders!!!...that would be a great help

  • Just another option




     MinDate = T2.MinVal,

     MaxDate = T2.MaxVal


     WT_Total_Purchases T1






       min(create_dt) MinVal,

       max(create_dt) MaxVal




       eventkey IS NULL

      GROUP BY



    &nbsp T2


     T1.optioneekey = T2.optioneekey AND

     T1.offeringperiodkey = T2.offeringperiodkey

  • You guys are doing a great job looking at set based options, well done. As far as the core question of which is better, while loop or cursor, I'd be interested to hear more thoughts. It's easy to dismiss cursors as evil, but they have their place (Im not disagreeing with trying to stay set based by any means). If - big if - you need a loop, Im not sure that using a while instead of a cursor is "better". Depending on how it's written it's the equivalent of a dynamic cursor, hardly what we want to use in most cases.

  • Which is better is not a real point Andy. What matters is for this situation which works best. You still have to test each. All should be considered alternatives and all have their merrits.

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