May 25, 2004 at 10:12 pm
Hi to all,
i have one question to ask
if i select records from one table in a cursor and process each one by one
or i select records in string
declare @info-2 varchar(2000)
Select @info-2=isnull(@info+'|'+F1+','+F2,F1+','+F2)
From Temp
in this query , is field separator and | is row separator
now using the string @info-2 and sql's string functions i fetch the records and fields and do processing as in the case of cursor
now. i want to know which method is more costly and why
Thanks in advance
May 26, 2004 at 2:09 am
It is not really clear from your code what you are trying to do.
The settings of your SQL Server will affect how NULL values are interpretted so be careful, otherwise your ISNULL function won't work.
In general I look for ways to avoid using cursors because SQL Server works best with sets of data rather than at a row level. I believe that ORACLE is better geared up to row by row work and even has an @@rowid value.
May 27, 2004 at 2:47 pm
Here's an example of how to loop through a table and put all the values in a row into a string. definitely do not use a cursor:
create function Column_CSV (@TableName sysname)
returns varchar(8000)
declare @ColList varchar(8000)
SELECT @ColList = isnull(@ColList + ', ', '') +
FROM sysobjects o
JOIN syscolumns c On o.ID = c.ID
WHERE = @TableName
ORDER BY c.colOrder
return @ColList
Signature is NULL
May 28, 2004 at 12:40 am
Thanks Calvin and David for your responses
As Calvin you told that there is one method of fetching all the rows from one table
Now i just want to know that if i use this csv string in any SP or Function and use substring and other functions to parse the values of rows and cols in the string then this would be efficient method then using cursor
and if i have 1000 or more records then i can hold the values in text or ntext type variable then which method (string or cursor) would be efficient
Thanks & Regards
May 28, 2004 at 2:22 pm
Working with Text data is a whole 'nother ball game. Updating and parsing text data types uses a bunch of special functions, so check BOL for more data.
Personally, I use "While" loops instead of fast forward cursors. I've found that they perform better, especially on larger recordsets. And the code is more concise and clearer.
if object_ID('tempdb..#Dest') is not null drop table #Dest
create table #Dest (Value text)
Insert #Dest Values ('')
declare @Cnt varchar(25),
@DataLength int,
@TextPTR varbinary(16)
select @Cnt = 0
select @TextPTR = TEXTPTR(Value)
from #Dest
--Creating Test Data
While @Cnt < 1000
select @DataLength = DataLength(Value)
from #Dest
UPDATETEXT #Dest.Value @TextPTR @DataLength NULL @Cnt
select @Cnt = cast(@Cnt as int) + 1
select DataLength(Value), * from #Dest
Signature is NULL
May 30, 2004 at 9:37 pm
The setbased logic you used in your example will almost always beat Cursors and WHILE loops. Do you need any reason other than speed? Ok, how about resource intensity, duration of locks, and number of locks on the table and idexes?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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