Cursor needed to relate different records?

  • Hi, I need to be able to set the value of a field based on records other than the current record. This is for readings from a GPS system in machines. I am using a stored procedure to populate a temporary table of GPS events in order to join the record for each machine to the previous record. This is done by using a left join to join the events table to itself matching the machine number and eventID, e.g. table1.machineID = table2.machineID and table1.eventID = table2.eventID - 1.  However I need to have a column to specify whether the machine is on or off, which is just another type of event.

    For example, you could have the following transaction types:

    1        monitoring

    2        moving

    3        lifting

    4        ignition on

    5        ignition off


    So for a particular machine the transactions and the values I want may be like this:

    1        off

    4        on

    1        on

    2        on

    1        on

    5        off

    1        off

    I can easily calculate the time differences between one record and the next, but am not sure how to set the on/off status. Do I need to use a cursor to do this or is there a better way?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Mark,

    It would be much easier to assist if we can see the actual table you are working with.  Maybe not the entire table, but at least the columns you are referencing.  The result set is fine, but we really need to see the raw data to properly help you with the query.

    So, table structure and sample data, and we will get back to you quickly.


  • I'm not clear what the columns and rows represent.  I think that a list of rows that exemplify what you are wanting (with columns labeled) with the expected output would be helpful.

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Sorry, I was trying to keep the problem brief. Here is some sample data:



      EventDatetime DATETIME,

      MachineID INT,

      EventType SMALLINT,


    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:03.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:07.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:18.000',1,4) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:20.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:23.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:30.000',1,2) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:35.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:40.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:56.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:21:18.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:21:32.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:21:48.000',1,2) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:21:48.000',1,5) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:30:35.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:30:38.000',1,1) 

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:01.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:04.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:08.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:17.000',2,4)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:20.000',2,2)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:23.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:28.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:31.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:33.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:35.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:38.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:40.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:43.000',2,2)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:45.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:48.000',2,5)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:50.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:53.000',2,1)

    INSERT INTO #GPSEvents VALUES('2007-01-31 07:20:55.000',2,1)


    Select s.EventID, Datediff(s,s.EventDatetime,e.EventDatetime)as seconds, s.MachineID, s.EventType

    From #GPSEvents s

    LEFT JOIN #GPSEvents e ON s.MachineID = e.MachineID AND s.EventID = (e.EventID - 1)

    Order by s.MachineID, s.EventDatetime


    The above query will give the following results, except I have manually added the on/off column as that is what I am asking how it can be done:

    EventID  seconds  MachineID   EventType       On/Off

    1           4           1           1           off

    2           11          1           1           off

    3           2           1           4           on

    4           3           1           1           on

    5           7           1           1           on

    6           5           1           2           on

    7           5           1           1           on

    8           16          1           1           on

    9           22          1           1           on

    10          14          1           1           on

    11          16          1           1           on

    12          0           1           2           on

    13          527         1           5           off

    14          3           1           1           off

    15          NULL        1           1           off

    16          3           2           1           off

    17          4           2           1           off

    18          9           2           1           off

    19          3           2           4           on

    20          3           2           2           on

    21          5           2           1           on

    22          3           2           1           on

    23          2           2           1           on

    24          2           2           1           on

    25          3           2           1           on

    26          2           2           1           on

    27          3           2           1           on

    28          2           2           2           on

    29          3           2           1           on

    30          2           2           5           off

    31          3           2           1           off

    32          2           2           1           off

    33          NULL        2           1           off

    I am assuming the machine is off until a transaction (EventType) of 4 is reached. Then it will be on until there is an EventType of 5. I want to sum up the times for each machine for each event type. Lifting and moving are easy, but I need to be able to distinguish between idling (nothing happening but machine is on) and machine off.

    Is that better?



  • This seems to work OK:

    declare @t table 
     MachineID INT NOT NULL, 
     EventID INT NOT NULL,
     State varchar(3) NOT NULL,
    -- Load on/off state transition events
    insert into @t
     State = case x.EventType when 4 then 'on' when 5 then 'off' end
     #GPSEvents x
     x.EventType in (4,5)
     State = case y.EventType when 4 then 'on' when 5 then 'off' else 'off' end
     #GPSEvents y
     y.EventID in 
     (select min(z.EventID) from #GPSEvents z where y.MachineID = z.MachineID )
    order by
     Datediff(s,s.EventDatetime,e.EventDatetime)as seconds,
     #GPSEvents s
     #GPSEvents e 
     ON s.MachineID = e.MachineID AND s.EventID = (e.EventID - 1)
     -- Find last state change event before or at a machine event
      ChangeEventID = max(t.EventID)
      #GPSEvents x
      @t t
      on x.MachineID = t.MachineID and x.EventID >= t.EventID
     group by
     ) z
     on s.MachineID = z.MachineID AND s.EventID = z.EventID
     @t t
     on z.MachineID = t.MachineID AND z.ChangeEventID = t.EventID 
    Order by
  • This will also work:

    Select s.EventID, Datediff(s,s.EventDatetime,e.EventDatetime)as seconds, s.MachineID, s.EventType,

    case when

    (Select emt.EventType from

    (select Max(em.EventID) MaxEventID from  #GPSEvents em

    where em.EventID <= s.EventID

      and EventType in (4,5)

      and em.MachineID = s.MachineID) et

      left join

       #GPSEvents emt

      on MaxEventID = emt.EventID)

     = 4 then 'on' else 'off' end as OnOff

    From #GPSEvents s

    LEFT JOIN #GPSEvents e ON s.MachineID = e.MachineID

      AND s.EventID = (e.EventID - 1)


    Order by s.MachineID, s.EventDatetime


    Try both of the solutions.  One might perform better than the other.

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Thank you Michael and Russel. They both work well.

    Thanks for taking the time to help me out.


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